Page 42 of The Pain We Allow

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“You can’t fucking order me around-”

Colin moved fast and Olivia gasped and recoiled back away from him, pressing her back into the mirror and turning her head as he’d suddenly crowded into her space. Colin’s scent permeated her senses as he pressed his chest against hers. They were silent for such an uncomfortable amount of time that Olivia's heart began to race, not knowing what was happening. Confused and slightly scared, she made a small sound as he tilted his head. Placing his lips to her ear, he spoke softly in a low tone.

“If you don’t get your fucking ass off this dresser and do as I say, then neither one of us is going to be the same after tonight. I promise to God, Olivia, you do not want me to go there. Get. The. Fuck. Up. I won’t tell you a third time,” he breathed into her ear, deadly serious. He pressed his lips to her neck right over her pounding pulse and despite the rough hate sex they’d just had, Olivia was ashamed to admit she could go again. “Tell me right now, and I want the truth. Did you fuck that man?”

There was a tense few seconds where they just breathed into each other’s space and Olivia’s heart pounded uncomfortably hard in her chest, making her pant, desperate whines escaping her throat.This is him. This is sadistic Colin, she thought with a hot thrill racing through her body at seeing her husband as he truly was for perhaps the first time.

"No," she answered quietly, knowing her eyes were pained as they flickered away from his intense gaze.

He nodded once, not saying another word.

Olivia glanced around nervously, seeing that all her personal stuff was gone. She hopped off the dresser and inhaled sharply as semen and her essence visibly slicked down her legs. Her eyes flew away from him embarrassed, as she turned and went into the bathroom, limping. She unhooked her panties from her shoe and blushed, thinking her husband literally just fucked her like a whore, her underwear hanging from her shoe, all while he made a phone call at that!

Taking a few minutes to wash up, Olivia ventured from the bathroom a little later to see Colin gone and the bags removed out of the room. She walked through the hallway and into the living area seeing there were several men in the room with them, including Jonathan. He threw her a quick assessing look, averting his gaze quickly at what he saw, making her run her hand down her hair self-consciously; blushing.

Did all these men hear what just happened? She thought to herself, tugging her rather short skirt down.

The men headed out of the house and Colin clocked her gaze and jerked his head to the front door, signaling her to silently follow them. Olivia cast another quick look around before walking to the little table and grabbing her purse. After a quick search, she noticed her keys were gone. With a fission of trepidation mixed with hope blooming in her chest, she followed the security detail out of the home and into the waiting vehicle outside.

She was thankful that Colin allowed her to stop at the ramen shop to say goodbye to Ying, who announced she was happy to see her stop running and promised to make her stay in touch. The simple concession touched her, and made her hopeful that however they moved forward, it would be at the very least amicable.


Jonathan settled himself in the barrel seat of their private plane, wincing as he heard a crash come from their back bedroom where Colin and Olivia were. He glanced in apology at the airplane stewardess as her eyebrows rose, handing him his whiskey. He pulled out his phone, connecting it to WiFi and dialing Vanessa. Putting it on speakerphone, he placed it on the table as he opened his laptop.

“Hello?” Vanessa’s soft voice filtered through his consciousness, making him settle for the first time in a week.

“We’ve got her, baby,” he said, taking a sip of his drink and shaking his head slightly as he heard a soft cry followed by a series of slaps and Colin’s deep rough voice sounding sharp, muffled by the bedroom door. He turned the volume on his phone up and stuck ear pods in his ears.

“Oh my God, Jonathan,” Vanessa suddenly cried, her voice hitching. “Is she okay?”

“I think so, not sure how much of her is going to be left by the time we get home though,” he said wryly, hearing a sudden silence come from the bedroom. After a few seconds, he heard Colin’s muffled voice speaking again with Olivia's voice clearly yelling back at him. Vanessa paused.

“Well, tell him to leave something for me to attack. That’s not fair. Fucking bitch just up and left for months! We thought she was dead,” she whispered rather harshly through the phone.

“Baby, I’m going to tell you the same thing I told Colin. No one can blame her for reacting the way she did. What she found in that room…I can only imagine what it must have looked like to her. Now they’re both going to have to figure out a way to put the pieces back together, if they can,” Jonathan said quietly as he typed on his laptop, going over work for his business.

The week in China had cost him several million dollars, and he winced as he realized again that Colin also took a major financial hit for the last fourteen weeks he’d been going crazy trying to find Olivia. Jonathan had to step in and help run his business. He sighed tiredly, typing out an email to Dr. Tyson on Colin’s behalf, reinstating their therapy appointments for the both of them. Colin hadn’t been going since Olivia left. Too much longer and Jonathan thought he’d have to place Colin in a psychiatric hold.

“Yeah but…he wasn’t drunk Jon. Why didn’t he just tell her?” she whispered; he could feel her heart breaking for Colin.

“No…it’s complicated but she didn’t stick around long enough for an explanation. And he wasn’t exactly forthcoming with the information. How’s my girl?” he changed the subject.

“Ally’s doing good,” Vanessa said.

“My boy?” he said, now referring to their baby still in her stomach at seven months.

“He’s kicking me to death. He’s going to be strong, just like his daddy,” she whispered reverently.

“And you? I can’t wait to see you, love,” he whispered back. Wishing he could feel her soft skin against his.

“Just missing you. Trying to settle into this big mansion you dragged us into,” she giggled through the phone.

“Well, enjoy it because when I get home, we have a lot of making up to do,” he said with a small smile, bidding her farewell and ending the phone call. He took a sip of his drink, turning back to his work and trying to ignore his absolute maniac of a best friend and his wife.


Slap, slap.

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