Page 48 of The Pain We Allow

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“Tee Tee! Tee Tee! You won! You’re back!” Allison pulled back slightly, straddling Olivia’s hips and placing her hands on either side of her cheek. “Tell me all about the monster! Was he scary?” she said seriously, her brows furrowed, and a serious look graced her face. Olivia gaped at her and glanced over at Colin, Vanessa, and Jonathan who were all standing next to them, looking slightly amused.

“The monster?” she asked with raised eyebrows, trying to dig for a clue.

Colin squatted down next to them, placing his hand on Olivia’s back. His upset at her on the plane dissipated as he concentrated on the little girl in front of them. “Aunt Ollie defeated the monster! Your daddy and I were able to go get her, as she was then set free,” he said rather seriously, his hand coming out to ruffle her red hair.

“Uncle Colin told me all about the monster and how you had to leave to keep us all safe! And every Sunday he would come and tell me stories about your conquests!” Allison said breathlessly, her excitement was evident.

“And I knew you were getting closer to beating the monster, because daddy said we were able to move into this house because you were getting closer to defeating it and being able to come home!” Olivia turned sharp eyes to Jonathan before looking back at Allison.

She was unsure of what her face looked like.

“And then you sent a bunch of money and now we have three horses outside that I can’t wait to show you! And then I got a liver so I knew it was going to be any day that you came back! And now you’re here! You’re back. I love you, Ollie. You did so good! But can you not go away anymore, I missed you so much, I cried a lot,” Allison pressed her lips against Olivia’s and then snuggled up under her chin. “You’re so wonderful, first you save me from the water, and now the monster. You’re so brave, Tee Tee. Don’t leave me anymore,”

And that was it.

Olivia broke down crying so hard that Jonathan had to take Allison into the house and distract her while Vanessa and Colin tried to get her off the drive. But she was having a breakdown and didn’t want them to touch her, their soothing touches somehow making it worse.

“I can’t be a mommy, I can’t!” Olivia pleaded to Vanessa, gripping her arms hard enough to leave bruises. “I can’t, I can’t!” And that’s all she remembered before blacking out. The stress of the last twenty-four hours blanking her mind, leading her into the safety of nothingness.

Chapter fourteen

Focus On Us

Olivia moaned as she stirred on the couch, she’d been dreaming about one of the nights her mom had stayed up late to brush her hair.

“Mom. I keep making the wrong decisions. I keep hurting everyone. I don’t want to let anyone close,” she said, her eyes meeting her mother’s green ones in the mirror.

Her mother smiled at her softly before bending down to give her a soft kiss on her cheek. She met her eyes in the mirror.“You know what to do my sweet girl, just look deep inside,” her mom whispered, placing her hand over Olivia's heart. “I love you Ollie, and never forget I am so proud of you.”

Olivia awakened with a gasp.

Her chest was heaving as she struggled out of sleep. She looked around, seeing she was in a beautiful living room, and smelling her mom’s chicken noodle soup. She got up, clutching the blanket around herself and turned in a circle, taking in the beautiful dark tones of the wood and moody paint of the living room she was in. The fireplace glowed with fake candles as it was the middle of summer, not appropriate for a fire.

Picking up on more details, she noticed the television was off, helping to blanket the room in silence, and as she turned, she saw a great big shaggy golden retriever lounging close to where she was laying. Her jaw dropped and the dogs’ ears perked up as it saw she had her attention. Leaning forward, she looked at the collar, seeing the dog’s name engraved as Shadow.

Go figure, Olivia thought wryly, thinking about how Vanessa’s favorite childhood movie was Homeward Bound.

She looked around for any more animals and saw a gray cat staring back at her from its perch on a library shelf. Giving the friendly dog a little pat, she’d turned and followed her nose to the massive kitchen. Colin, Jonathan and Allison were crowded around the center marble island and tearing apart biscuits from a massive pile of dough. Instrumental music was playing on the surround sound and Vanessa was stirring a big pot of soup at a huge gas stove.

Clasping her hands together nervously, Olivia hesitated before walking into the kitchen, staying safely in the shadows of the little hallway she was in. She was embarrassed that she broke down so badly in the driveway and wasn’t sure if she wanted to join them.

Jonathan spotted her first, as Colin was helping Allison tear her ball of dough in half to make it more manageable.

“Come on Ukhat, join us,” he said, taking a drink of his whiskey and turning to grab a wine glass from an overhead cabinet, pouring her some from the half-drunk bottle of wine next to them. Colin turned from Allison and gave her a rather interesting onceover before his eyes landed on hers. He stepped off his stool and sauntered towards her lazily, his pants gripping his hips, and she swallowed down the rush of desire at the sight of his dick print through the material of the sweats.

Colin came up to her and pressed her deeper into the hallway, hiding them from the others in the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed himself close. He smelled of soap like he’d had a shower and his hair was slightly damp as she sank her fingers in to feel. He leaned his head down and pressed his lips softly against hers. Their tongues danced and tangled for a while before he pulled back, his warm eyes searching hers.

“Are you ok baby?” he breathed, his eyes flickering between hers, showing nothing but concern. Olivia swallowed, seeing the mean sadistic Colin seemed to be firmly stowed away for the moment.

“Yes,” Olivia whispered. “I’m embarrassed you all had to see me like that. I’m so sorry Colin,” she said again, closing her eyes and resting her forehead on his chest.

"Baby it's okay. Let’s enjoy your sister’s chicken and dumplings.” Colin’s hand came up to stroke her cheek. “I have missed you like crazy. I hope you got enough rest because you aren’t sleeping tonight. And no, before you even fix that smart ass mouth to say anything, fucking you in your bungalow and on the plane wasn’t enough,” he said, his hands trailing down her body to cup her ass and pull her up to him.

Olivia made a small sound as her pussy heated.“Colin! I don’t have any panties on!” she gasped, not wanting to make a mess on her legs.

“I know,” he growled as he bent down and nuzzled into her neck, sucking and pulling at the skin, making her squeal slightly and try to recoil, giggling.

“There,” he said, pulling away, his own eyes sparkling. “That’s what I want to hear right now anyway. Later might be another story,” he warned as he turned and patted her ass to walk into the kitchen.

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