Page 64 of The Pain We Allow

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“Come here,” he said softly, his chest expanding tightly as he regarded her slight form, sitting curled up on the chair on the other side of his desk. She got up with effort, a wince passing her face before she schooled her features quickly into a calm expression. He could tell by her breasts that her breathing was slightly erratic. She was just as nervous as him.

He held his arms open and waited until she settled into him before he tilted her head back on his shoulder, looking down at her.

“I love you,” he breathed, his lips coming down to press against her nose, skimming down to her lips. He kissed her gently, his hand moving to her hip and squeezing lightly. He pulled his hand around to her top and slipped under, pressing against her belly.

“It doesn’t have to be now. We can wait a while, until you finish school. We can take time to enjoy each other. There are trips I’d love to take you on. So many things we can do before really settling down,” he said, staring into her beautiful green eyes.

“I know. I love you too. I just wanted you to know that I’m open to having kids with you Colin. I want your babies,” Olivia’s eyes flickered back and forth between his, her hand coming up to caress his face, her fingernails scraping through his slight beard at his jawline. Her face was serious, her brows scrunched.

“But not too many babies, ok?” she corrected, feeling his chest shake with barely contained laughter.

“Ok sweetheart,” he chuckled, leaning down to kiss her once more before he helped her off of him and they walked out of the office. He grinned as they made their way back to the kitchen where Jonathan and Vanessa were reading over a set of papers next to an open folder, proud that they didn’t wind up screwing each other on the desk. They could talk about the future and be vulnerable without being inside of one another. That had to be a good step in the right direction.

They spent time going over the birthing plan, deciding that they would move in temporarily a couple days before the expected birth of Ian, wanting to be close in case they needed support. Olivia would be there to help keep Vanessa company, and Colin of course would be there to help any way he could. He just knew he wasn’t letting Olivia out of his sight for a while.

Colin’s phone pinged. Vincent.

He opened the email on his phone.

My man,

I got the security detail you requested for Olivia ready, two men who are trained in torture techniques, sniper skills, and kidnapping. They are all specialized fighters who have been in private security for over 20 years each.

Names are Byson and Zero.

Per order, they will rotate shifts, and on the days that she leaves for campus or an outing, there will always be someone tailing her. When school starts back up and they’re on campus, they will be in plain clothes. I’ve also got one guy for you personally, as well. There will be two men who flank your property at all times. I have a set of six men to rotate these shifts. One set in the morning, one set in the evening, and one set during the night. I sent the invoice over for you to review and their specs are attached to this email for your approval. I also spoke with your P.I, Mr. Howard. Nice man.

Information was not nice though; another red head went missing. A woman in her early thirties. This one had green eyes this time. And her toddler was found dumped about a quarter of a mile away.

She was found decapitated, naked in a woodsy area about half an hour from your place. The man is definitely sending a warning. A huge one. Jonathan’s team is ready as well for Vanessa.

Contact me if you have any questions. I’d like to schedule a time for us all to meet so we can have you and Olivia formally meet the team.


P.S-Stella is bugging me to death about going out to karaoke since apparently you can sing. She wants to do a duet. Have Olivia contact her with some dates you two are available. No negotiations-this is not a request. Peace.

Colin’s eyes hardened as he glanced up sharply, catching Jonathan’s eye. The women were currently on Vanessa’s small laptop, looking at baby furniture.

“Have you checked your email?” he gritted, his eyes flashing. A muscle was ticking in his jaw.

Jonathan shook his head no and pulled out his phone. His eyes scanned the email fast, pausing when he got to the place about the child. Jonathan froze, he looked at Colin and jerked his head to the terrace. They quietly stepped out together before Jonathan leaned against the railing and pulled up his email app.

“Son of a bitch,” he bit out, angry. Jonathan hardly ever got angry. He dialed a number, keeping the phone on speaker.

“Hello, Ewing Academy, Jasmine speaking,” a woman’s soft, cheery voice came through.

“Hi Jasmine, this is Jonathan Sinclair, Allison Reed's father, how’re you doing?”

“Well, thanks, what can I help you with?” The woman sounded like she was typing in the background.

“You can start by connecting me to the principal’s office.”

“O-Oh…well I think he’s in a meeting-”

“Okay, so tell him there’s been an urgent matter and I need him to end the meeting to pick up the phone,” he growled.

Colin frowned. He hadn’t heard him sound like this since their marine days.

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