Page 67 of The Pain We Allow

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“Don’t fuck with me Colin,” she breathed, her facial expression hardened. She looked wild.

“A green-eyed redhead in her early thirties was found murdered, naked, and decapitated about thirty minutes from here, and ten minutes from Allison’s school. The woman’s toddler was also found killed, dumped a short ways away in the woods,” Colin said, his cold stare hard on hers.

He expected her to pale, but what he didn’t expect was the absolutely feral look that came over her face. Her lips pulled back and her teeth bared. She let out a ragged exhale.

“Baby-” Colin said, almost stunned with her transformation.

She turned without a word and disappeared before he heard her slam the door that held her purse. She went back into the kitchen without a word and passed all of them, heading to the mudroom that led to the garage. Vanessa exchanged a panicked look with Jonathan before scrambling off the seat.

“We need to follow her. Let’s go,” she hissed, snatching her own purse and heading to the front where her and Jonathan’s car was situated.

Colin grabbed his own keys racing to the garage as he heard her car door slam and the engine start. Audibly cursing, he flung himself out of the way as she backed up violently, crashing into his bikes again, only taking out three this time. He threw himself into his car and backed out just as the garage doors opened. She revved her engine hard, the tires squealing as she almost clipped the top of her car on the garage doors.

He called her phone over the car. She ignored him. Cursing, he took his phone out of the docking station so the cops wouldn’t be alerted to reckless driving.

He peeled out after her, seeing Jonathan’s Land Rover pull in easily behind them. The gates opened and she clipped her passenger window. It hit the side of the car hard before flapping in the wind.

Jonathan called him over the speaker. Colin answered.

“Bro, what the fuck is going on? Do we need to call the police?” Jonathan said angrily over the speaker.

“My gut is telling me no. Do you have a gun on you? Mine isn’t in this car,” he cursed, promising himself to go ahead and order guns for all the vehicles so he didn’t have to worry about this again.

“Of course, I stay strapped. Any idea where we’re headed? She isn’t answering the phone for Vanessa.”

“I’m going to take a wild guess and say we’re about to see Carmichael,” he said, knowing deep in his gut he was right.

“Fucking God, this woman!” Jonathan bellowed.

“I tried to tell you guys she was crazy too!” Vanessa hollered in the background.

“I’M HAVING YOU BOTH FUCKING COMMITED-” Jonathan yelled down the phone. Colin quickly ended the call, revving the engine to keep up with her mangled Porsche. He hated to admit that the big guy was probably justified this time.

He sent Jonathan his location just in case they got separated, but looking into his rearview mirror, he realized that wasn’t going to be a problem. If he tapped his breaks too hard, Jonathan would easily rear end him.

Baby what are you thinking? he snarled to himself, his own car almost touching hers as she swerved into the oncoming traffic to pass a slow car, he stayed with her, not even wincing at how close the three of them came to hitting a car head on. He prayed silently that there wouldn’t be any cops, trying to figure out a story to tell them as to why they suddenly found themselves in a car chase with the police.

Because he knew she wouldn’t stop, and if she wouldn’t stop, then he’d be damned if he’d stop either. Vanessa being pregnant was their only out and he would use it unashamedly.

Fifteen minutes later, they rounded into a seriously nice residential neighborhood and he paled as she reached over and typed in a code. The gates opened and she backed up almost slamming into the front of him and she revved her engine so hard he was scared she would blow up her engine. Her car shot forward and she rounded the bend before turning again, and a vast mansion behind a wooden gate loomed in the distance. She revved her engine impossibly harder, and he sent a hail mary up, pressing his fingers into the beads of his mother's rosemary he’d been carrying around with him these last several weeks while he was trying to keep his sanity intact.

“NO!” he yelled out at no one in particular, knowing that she couldn’t hear him.

Her car shot forward and he saw her hair slip out the open window of her car as she raced for the gate and crashed into it. She bounced off, denting it hard on its hinges, and she backed up. Colin could hear the car complain as she ripped through the gears, flinging herself forward and barreling completely through the gates in an almighty crash. He followed, watching carefully as she flew into the main yard of the house, ruining every bush flower and shrub as she parked on the walkway. He parked close, leaving his car open in order to get the hell out of there with no problem later. Jonathan pulled in on a squeal behind them, slammed his car door and then they both roared out for Olivia at the same time.

Olivia continued to ignore them. Feeling like she was about to drop dead of a stroke or a heart attack. Her blood was rushing so fast through her body that she felt like any more pressure and she’d implode. Trying the front door and seeing it was locked, she bent down and grabbed a rather large rock with both hands, feeling her right arm strain as she swung it back and crashed it through the window.

“Olivia! You fucking stupid girl,” Vanessa screamed, running towards them.

Colin got to her the second she clambered through the window, hearing the alarm system go off. He cursed under his breath, grabbing the sill and climbing in after her, taking a few seconds to take in his surroundings. Olivia was screaming for Carmichael as she walked to the front door, unlocking and opening it. Apparently, she was a tiny bit calmer than he gave her credit for.

It fucking infuriated him. He tamped down those emotions, planning to take it out on her later.

Jonathan barreled in just as soon as Carmichael appeared at the top of the staircase.

Carmichael’s older face looked shocked before settling into a sick expression of pleasure and delight at Olivia at the bottom of his stairs. A maid came running from the back of the house, with a dishrag in her hands and a startled look on her face.

Carmichael glanced at her.
