Page 74 of The Pain We Allow

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“Olivia is a flight risk and she will put herself in danger when provoked. You ALL need to see the attitude and what she’s capable of. If she is in your presence, you protect her just as if she was Vanessa. Do you understand me? She will engage with Carmichael. She threatened him just yesterday, bursting down his gate and breaking into his house. This is unacceptable, and anyone who is found lagging in regards to the safety of this family will be immediately terminated, and your security license revoked without question,” Vincent boomed, his speech aimed at the Sinclair team, who was commissioned for Jonathan and Vanessa. Everyone at the table nodded, regardless of whose team they were on.

Oh my God, Olivia’s eyes widened, still on Colin’s. Whose eyes were unwavering on hers.

She turned her gaze back to Zero.“Not him,” she said out loud. Uncaring of the speech Vincent just made. She was going to be heard.

“Why?” Zero questioned her now, and Olivia felt her entire body stand at attention. It was as if a cord was attached to a string on her spine and someone was standing over her pulling her up. She cursed as she felt her nipples harden and she didn’t know why. She wasn’t even attracted to this man. She was suddenly grateful for her jacket, to hide it.

The man’s voice sounded like Lucifer himself. It was scratchy, raw, unfiltered, and dangerous.

Her eyes widened.“That’s why. You’re too much like my husband and I don’t like it,” she hissed.

Zero nodded once standing up and brushing his hand down his shirt calmly, before rounding the table behind Vincent and coming up to her side. She moved quickly, scooting herself into Colin’s lap and pulling her legs up, her heels digging into her husband’s thighs. She watched as Zero sat on the table next to her and looked down at her with that cold stare of his.

“This is why I’m here. For you. To keep you in line. When you’re not with Mr. McDermont, you answer to me,” he said simply. His big hand reached out and she moaned as Colin reached forward to shake it.

“No. No. You’re my security so you answer to me,” she whispered. The room was deathly quiet. Aside from a click.

“What?” Stella breathed from her seat across the room. “Why do I get a click?” she said tearfully.

“Because your friend is a pain in the ass,” Vincent growled in reply, sitting back in his chair.

“You will answer to me, or you will get no freedom. I know you, Kat,” he said quietly, his eyes on hers.

Olivia’s jaw dropped. It clicked, quite literally, why she didn’t like him.

He used to be security for one of her more prolific and powerful clients, and he would stand outside the door in the shadows and make sure she didn’t go too far with the one particular client she had who liked more nefarious sessions than others.

“Oh my God, it’s you,” she breathed. Zero nodded with just the barest hint of a grin that betrayed a dimple in his cheek.

“So, I’m actually more qualified than everyone here in this room as to what you’re capable of because I’ve actually seen you in action and let me tell you,” his eyes slid to Colin’s. “She’s wicked. A fucking true born manipulator, Medusa herself. We nicknamed her Lilith.”

Colin raised his eyebrow, amused by this. Lilith couldn’t be dominated.

Olivia’s mouth fell open as she bristled. No the fuck this man didn’t.

“Lilith? What a fucking insult,” she said, her face scrunched up as Zero continued, his eyes still trained on Colin, effectively ignoring her.

“She was the best, I’m talking head honcho status. Whatever she said to Carmichael yesterday, I’d take it as gospel. She’s more than capable of it. How on earth did you manage to nail down this? I would pay good money to have seen that in action. Mad respect brother,” his eyes slid to Olivia’s and perused down Olivia’s huddled form, still snuggled on top of Colin’s.

Zero got up and resumed his seat and Olivia sat back down in hers quietly. Colin’s rough style of domination this morning made sense. He already knew what was going to happen today.

She huddled tightly against herself, only looking up to nod to the rest of the folks on her team. The men had already vetted the teams, now they were going over their house layout, a security manual for the home and what guys would be on what shifts for the house. Mary was even brought into it somehow, but Olivia was already retreating in her head, looking to the side blankly, wondering how she could get away with killing Carmichael so they could be done with all this.

Then she knew. That’s why they gave her who they gave her. She wasn’t on her own anymore; she had multiple people’s safety to look out for. She wasn’t superwoman anymore, slaying dragons on her own and conquering demons. She bit her lip, chancing a look at her husband, aware of Zero’s eyes on her every movement. Learning her.

Colin was in complete control. She reddened as she realized he even let her have her little outburst as a lesson to everyone there what they were dealing with. Her eyes narrowed.

Was she ever really in control with him? She couldn’t tell.

Olivia felt physically sick when she was told she was basically going to always be followed from here on out. Until the Carmichael situation gets resolved, anyway. She couldn’t go anywhere without a security detail. If she was driving, they had to be in the car, and one tailing her. They would be with her on campus, when she went on outings, the grocery store, she damn near wouldn’t be able to go to the bathroom without someone knowing about it.

“Olivia!” Colin said sharply, shaking her out of her thoughts. She looked up from staring at the floor as if in a daze, noticing the place was silent. Her sister was looking at her with a melancholy expression. “What was that?” he asked, leaning into her with an eyebrow raised. She had said her thoughts out loud and didn’t realize it. She blinked.

“I said, given the first chance, I’m going to find him and take his life away. Because he’s taking mine, ours,” she gritted, the tears finally falling through angry eyes and her breath hitched as she assessed her husband with emotion.

Pushing back in her seat, she stood up calmly, taking off her jacket, her earrings, her watch before pinning Zero boldly with a stare. The men all watched quietly.

“Olivia, you’re foolish,” Vanessa said across the table, her cat eyes narrowed at her sister.
