Page 73 of The Pain We Allow

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Fucking God. Olivia whined in her head. Please don’t be ours, she silently prayed.

She glanced at the other members; the guy next to him was intimidating but the bullshit didn’t roll off of him like the first one. Everyone around the table looked lethal, in control, like they’d seen shit, did shit, and knew shit.

Shit, Olivia tightened her lips before taking Vincent’s warm handshake, not quite able to look him in the eye. The testosterone in the room was killing her. She looked across the table at Vanessa, who was being helped into one of the empty chairs next to Vincent, on the same side as the intimidating scar face guy.

Olivia breathed a sigh of relief, settling into the chair that was on the opposite side.

Oh dear God, thank you. We can officially be friends again, she offered Vincent a tiny smile as she leaned back in her chair, waiting for them all to settle. Stella took the second seat at the head of the table, throwing Olivia a glance that made her look at her phone, seeing her friend had texted her.

I’m sorry-I just want you to know that I tried. -Stella.

Olivia’s brows furrowed and she glanced up at Stella who was shooting her a little apologetic glance before turning her face to her husband who started speaking.

And then Olivia’s stomach fell through the floor. She stood there, mute, trying to process what her friend’s husband was saying. And when it finally clicked, she let out a hilarious laugh. Shaking her head.

Jonathan was looking rather alarmed at her, leaning in to whisper something to Vanessa who was shooting her a ‘what the hell’ glance.

Olivia sat in her chair giggling. Uncontrollably. Like about to pee-my-pants uncontrollably. So she looked at Colin and said it.

“If I fucking pee myself it’s going to be all your fault. Because I can’t believe what the fuck I just heard,” she said leaning forward and putting her forehead very unlady-like against the table, shaking she was laughing so hard. She looked up at Vincent.

“I’m sorry Vincent, can you just say it again please. Because this is fucking crazy,” she said to the African American man, who was sitting back, reaching into his pocket. He suddenly took out a small device and slid it across the table to the scarred man who he’d just introduced as Zero.

Her personal security detail. One of two.

Zero’s hand reached out and snagged the object, spinning it around in front of him before he stopped it facing her. He picked it up and she heard a click. She raised her eyebrows before looking over at Stella, who had unconsciously scootched back in her seat. She looked back at Zero before sitting back in her seat and smiling.

Fuck this, Olivia thought.

“Click,” she whispered across the table at him. She felt Colin stiffen before turning to look at her with an incredulous expression. She ignored him.

Zero picked up the device and clicked it again. She tilted her head.

“Click,” she said louder as she crossed her arms and legs, throwing Zero a filthy stare. The other men on either side of the table watched this interaction carefully.

Zero clicked the device again. Still saying not a word.


“Olivia,” Colin said, his voice sounding so deep and hoarse. Like he was trying to keep from strangling her so he was strangling himself instead. “Fucking stop it,”

She turned and looked at him, her lips twisted. She looked back at Vincent.

“He’s not coming on my team,” she snarled.

“Why?” Vincent said, his baritone slightly louder than she was used to hearing from him.

“Because this is MY body and I fucking said I don’t want him BODYGUARDING IT. That’s why!” she leaned forward and hissed the words at her friend’s husband.

Colin turned her in her chair abruptly, making her cry out in shock at the violent motion, her fingers curled under the lip of her seat and her eyes went wide. Colin leaned forward with an audible rumble that stopped her heart momentarily before he leaned even further forward, getting into her face. She paled, leaning back and scooching down in her chair. She shook her head minutely.

Not her body. His. Colin’s. Olivia gasped as the words bounced around her head, making her dizzy.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she whispered, the words barely making it out. She understood him without him having to say anything. The clicker clicked two more times and her mouth dropped as she craned her neck to look around him at Zero. Still staring at her impassively.

Colin roughly grabbed her by her chin and firmly turned her face back to his. His eyes were cold as they stared into her. He remained silent and Olivia felt her heart rate ramp up so uncomfortably that it was almost choking her. She stared back, blinking the rising tears away.

“This is why,” Vincent barked, slamming his hand down on the table so hard that Stella pushed back in her chair all the way to the wall behind them. “This is why we are having this meeting today all together instead of two separate meetings,” he stood up, placing his hands behind his back in an intimidating stance.
