Page 82 of The Pain We Allow

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“Well it’s Sunday, I’m going to Vanessa’s for a bit to see Allison and to give Jonathan and Vanessa some time to meet with their doula. You know they’re only like a month away from having Ian? Can you believe it? Time’s just flying!”

“Hmm-hmm, I know.We’ve been together just a bit over nine months,” Colin stated suddenly.

Olivia paused and glanced at him, gleaming his hidden meaning.Staying silent, she nodded, not wanting to bring up that after nine months page three of their contract would take effect. She’d been studiously ignoring page three for months now. But with the subject being brought to the forefront of her mind, she felt those nerves come back, making her feel off center.

She placed a trembling hand on her tummy, hoping he didn’t notice.

“So, do you want to come with me?” Olivia asked, standing up and placing her coffee back on the tray. She journeyed to the bathroom with him following close behind. She observed he’d been staying closer to her than normal and wondered if that’s why she’d had a lapse in her crying spells.

“No sweetie, I spoke with Byson this morning, and he said that we had a couple unmarked cars go past the gate late last night, and they’re installing more security and speaking with the neighbors so I’m going to stay behind this time. But next time, you can count on me being there. Maybe we can take Allison to the zoo or something fun?” he watched intently as she beat the brush rather hard on her head with every pass.

“Is that how you’d like me to brush your hair? Am I doing it right when I do it?” Colin asked her suddenly, cocking his head at her as she paused in her movements and blinked almost confusedly.

Olivia frowned, staring at the brush for a second before she set it down on the vanity. “Uh, no. Not really. I wasn’t even aware I was doing it…” she flicked him an obviously embarrassed look before she reached forward for her perfume.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed, love, it’s okay,” he reassured her. Reaching forward, he slicked a hand down her hair and pressed a kiss to her temple. He fisted his hand in her hair and gave her a small yank before smacking her ass hard.

Olivia jerked and gave him wide eyes. “Colin!” she admonished, laughing at him as he hightailed it out of the bathroom before she could smack him back.

“Have a good time baby, keep your phone on you and don’t be upset at Zero when he drives, you know it’s his job so just sit back and let him do it without complaining,” he called out, grabbing his phone off the bed as she exited the bathroom and veered to the bedroom door.

“Fine!” she said sweetly, opening the door and then scrunching her face up as she walked out, seeing Zero sitting in the chair outside of their bedroom door. “Hi Zero, I’ve been told to be nice to you and let you do your job in peace, so can we go? Do you need a coffee or anything before we leave?”

She watched impassively as Zero turned cold eyes on her. He lifted up his coffee thermos and arched an eyebrow. “Good morning, Lilith. Nope, I’m good, thanks for asking. I’m ready when you are.”

Olivia rolled her eyes and strolled to the elevator. “Bye Colin,” she called out down the hallway. Colin had stayed behind in the bedroom to alert the team that Olivia was leaving the house and to have an extra escort.

“What the fuck?” Colin stuck his head out the door and gave her a stern look. “Did you just tell me goodbye? Take that shit back!” he said, giving her a once over.

Olivia shrugged her shoulder and laughed. “Okay,” she laughed, winking at him.

“And give Ally a kiss for me,” he yelled out to her, as she and Zero disappeared into the elevator.


Guy Group Chat

Yo, we have to freaking reinforce our fence. And bug the neighbors, now they think we’re reclusive AND dangerous. What the hell?! -C. Kent

But other than that, are they guys holding up to your high standards? Stella got a heeelllll of a punishment due to your girl, so I hope to God they are. -V

Why’re you punishing her anyways for something Olivia’s doing? We’re all good over here by the way, thanks for asking. -J. Dawg

Jesus, I sent you an email regarding how your team is doing so far. What crawled up your ass and died? -V

Whatever it was, I can guarantee you wasn’t Halal, Jonathan would NEVER let anything forbidden up there. -C. Kent

Fuck you, asshole. -J. Dawg

Jesus…one would think YOU were the hormonal one having a baby, not Vanessa. -C. Kent

When did I get added in here? -Alexander

Pick a nickname, quickly! And welcome to the shit show, son! -V

Well, since you’re trying to be useful and all, can one of you call me at like 9p if I send an SOS? Act like it’s an emergency so I can get out of this date I’m going on. -Alexander The Great

Why’re you trying to get OUT of a date? Isn’t that normally something a woman does? Is there no chance for pussy or something? -V

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