Page 96 of The Pain We Allow

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Colin felt his features harden as the chaos of everything seeped in.“Olivia!”

She whirled on him, her red hair flicking as she snapped her neck to address him.Colin’s eyes flickered across her face as they both stood there, off center, their world tearing apart right before their eyes.

“NO! Colin, I’m tired of sitting back waiting and waiting for justice or for someone to handle this man. Punish me later if you must, but you told me you wanted me to give you respect as your wife, well you will give me respect as my husband,” Olivia stood there next to the bed, her heaving chest betraying her emotion.

He gave her a nice, slow smile. “Oh no, babe, you’re mistaken. I’m not mad at you. I am so incredibly in awe of you. But,” he tilted his head as he assessed her. “You’re probably going to get a punishment, regardless. Let’s go.”

They finished packing up and several SUVs and routes later; they wound up at Gypsy’s compound.

Gypsy was standing at the front of the heavily gated and armed drive, with several bodyguards flanking her and the lights of the massive mansion glowing against her back in the background. She stood there stoically as a dozen SUVs pulled into the circular drive.

Olivia jumped out, walking swiftly to the woman. She threw her arms around her, hugging her tightly.

“Thank you,” Olivia whispered, pressing her temple against Gypsy’s before she stepped back, rubbing her hands down her arms, sensing Colin come up behind her.

“It’s no problem Olivia, you know I said I’m only a phone call away,” Gypsy said softly, turning towards Colin and holding out her hand.

“It’s nice to finally meet you in person, Mr. McDermont,” she said, eyeing him coolly.

Jonathan appeared next to them holding Allison’s hand who was soon joined by Vanessa holding baby Ian.

“Hello Sinclair’s, I’ve heard so much about you,” Gypsy stepped forward and squatted down to get eye level with Allison and her demeanor changed, going from cold to softening at the sight of the young freckled, redheaded child. “Especially you, little one. Your auntie loves you so much,” Gypsy reached forward and bopped her on the nose gently, giving her a pretty, rosy smile. Allison smiled back and giggled.

“You’re preetttyyy,” Allison whispered to Gypsy as she reached over and sank her hand into Shadow’s fur.The little dog sat obediently next to her, his tail wagging.

“Thank you, you’re pretty as well,” Gypsy whispered back, giving her another smile before she straightened up and took a couple of steps back to get a better look at the group. She folded her arms behind her back and her posture commanded respect.Her entire demeanor was that of a military officer of the highest order.

Jesus fuck, Colin thought, his eyebrows raising in surprise.

“You may use my place as long as you need, I have multiple security checkpoints. No one is allowed in or out, staff will not be allowed to venture outside of the grounds. If this is a concern, then let them know now so they can leave while I am here,” she looked out the corner of her eye at Mary, Beth, and Jonathan’s staff who had come up behind them, “I will have my own security taking over on the outer grounds, and your security will take over inside the home. Whoever does not like my rules, feel free to leave now. If you choose to go, you have one hour to get your plans in order and to depart.” She turned towards Zero. “We have run surveillance on Carmichael’s job and his home. We are assessing points of weakness. Until this is figured out, no one leaves.”

“Uh, what about Allison? She needs school… normalcy,” Vanessa said quietly, stepping forward.

Gypsy narrowed her eyes. “Beth, take Allison inside and show her her room while I speak with her parents, please,” Olivia and Colin turned stunned eyes to Beth, who walked up to Allison and took her hand gently.

Beth looked at Gypsy and they shared a glance before Gypsy looked away coolly. “You are dismissed.”

Beth walked into the home with Allison and Shadow without another word.

“Uhh…lo siento, do you and Beth know each other?” Colin asked, with a shocked look on his face.

Gypsy turned an arched eyebrow to Olivia, ignoring Colin. “You can’t possibly have thought that I was going to let my top girl just fuck off with some man, disappear off the face of the earth, and I wouldn’t keep tabs on her to make sure she’s safe now, do you? This is not how Esmerelda’s Ring operates. You know this, and should have known better.” She turned a haughty eyebrow to Colin. “I had Beth, my sister, planted in your house weeks before to sus you out before you moved Olivia in. When I found out you were following and pursuing Olivia, I had you followed and vetted as well,” Olivia’s eyes almost bugged out of her head as she turned to look at Colin, who had settled his features into a calm, almost respectful expression.

Olivia’s eyes widened. That’s why she dyes her hair brunette! she thought, putting her arms around her torso and squeezing.

“Goddamn,” Jonathan breathed. “You had a spy in your house this whole time.”

Colin frowned and Gypsy continued, as if the big man hadn’t spoken.

“AND, I want to thank you for taking such good care of Olivia. You make one almost believe that love might be an actual, obtainable thing,” she gave the couple a tip of her mouth, not quite a smile. She turned her attention back to Vanessa and Jonathan.

“She will be allowed to go to school, and then come straight back here. However, this is against my better judgment, but I get that kids need stability. Also, this ban on freedom is only temporary. We need time to take Carmichael down. It should only take about a week seeing he’s got men behind him, but my men are better.” Gypsy reached forward and grasped all their hands before turning on her heel and leaving.

“Gypsy!” Colin called out, walking forward a few steps and addressing the petite, blonde woman, “Thank you, how can I repay you?” his eyes searched hers shrewdly.

“No offense, Colin, but you can’t afford me. Olivia, however, has paid this debt several times over. Don’t worry your pretty little heart. We’re even.” Gypsy dismissively turned her eyes to Olivia once more.

“Red, you know how to get a hold of me if you need me,” she said, sidling up to one of their SUV’s and sliding in the back smoothly as an officer shut the door behind her. They drove off without another word, leaving them all standing in shock in the driveway.

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