Page 122 of Wicked Billionaire

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“Interesting,” I remarked, carefully studying Jareth’s expression. “So, the Feds were suddenly able to take down this company after years of building a case against them? How lucky are they to hear from a whistleblower with just the right information at the right time.” Not even a muscle in his jaw ticked. I had a feeling he was trying to determine what I knew before responding.

His eyes narrowed ever so slightly. “Interesting,” he agreed, his gaze flicking away and back to the TV.

Silly man. I knew him too well to fall for that. “Jareth.” I poked him in the chest. “Seriously?”

He let out a loud laugh. “I should have known I couldn’t hide anything from you.”

I grinned back and gave him an exaggerated wink. “It’s best you learn now you can’t keep anything secret from me.”

“I tried.” He sighed. “I need you to be safe, Hazel. If you know…things, that makes you a liability. I swore on my life I would never let you come to harm again. Can’t you play along?”

I shook my head. “Nope.”

“How did you know?” He tugged me tighter to him and rested his chin on top of my head.

“I’ll never reveal my sources,” I said, trying very hard to sound serious.

His fingers dug into my side making me squirm.

When it became too much I laughed uncontrollably. “No, stop! I’ll pee myself if you keep this up!”

He continued to tickle me. “It’s been said that I have excellent skills in torture. I think I can hold out longer than you.”

When I was about to lose the battle with my bladder, I cried out, “I give up.”

Jareth’s fingers stilled, coming to a stop at the most ticklish spot, as if giving me fair warning he might start up again if I didn’t give him what he wanted.

I released a happy little sigh. Not a single person would believe that this man could have a goofy side, and I reveled in each new piece of him revealed to me. I loved that I got to be the one to love him and watch him grow.

His fingers began to move again, trailing lightly along my side, down to the valley of my waist and cresting at the top of my hip. “I guess your surrender doesn’t come with answers.”

I snort-laughed. “I might have overheard your monthly conversation one day, and then soon after that same company broke apart and various workers were being charged for federal crimes.”

Jareth pulled me into his lap. His hands rested loosely on the curve of my hips.

My legs snaked around him, knees pressing into his thighs. He didn’t begin speaking until I’d looped my arms around his neck.

“I need you to know, Sunshine, that we only do this to companies or people who are corrupt. Ones who hurt others for the pleasure of it. We’re trying to help in our own ways.”

I loved that he felt the need to stress how they chose their targets.

My fingertips lightly caressed tiny circles on the back of his neck. “I know.”

“I fucking love you, Hazel. I don’t know how I ever got so lucky to have someone as incredible as you in my life. And not a single day will go by where I don’t remind you of that and of how much I love you. Thank you for always believing in me even when I couldn’t do it for myself.” He rested his forehead against mine.

“Jareth, I will always love you and see the good in you. And I will be here to remind you on the days you don’t see it.” Our breaths puffed simultaneously. When I pushed a breath out, he drew one in.

His stare was so intense and loving at the same time I wanted to squirm. It was like he could see into my soul. “I want you to know I see you Hazel Finley.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep shaky breath before exhaling. I didn’t know how much I needed to hear those words or how raw and exposed I’d feel when coming from him.

“I promise to make sure you know how loved you are. And I promise to make sure you know that your true friends, myself included, will continue to give you our love even when you aren’t perfect. I will make sure you understand your worth.”

A slight tremor raced through my body. “I?—”

“Hazel.” I saw the determined glint in his eyes. He’d changed so much over the past few weeks and so had I. He thought I was about to brush off his statement.

Yet, I knew the truth of his words, finally, I allowed them to resonate deep within me to the core of who I was.

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