Page 150 of Mistaken Identity

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“No. They’re for Livia.”

I put down my phone and take the flowers from her. There’s a card buried in the foliage and I pull it out, reading the word ‘Sorry’. That’s all it says, but I know who they’re from.

“Hunter?” Mom says, and I nod my head. “Shall I put them in a vase for you?”

“Yes, please.”

She takes the flowers back, and Dad gets up. “We’ll leave you in peace for a while.”

I know they’re going so I can talk to Hunter. It’s what I want to do. It’s what I need to do as well. But what if we end up fighting again? Maybe talking isn’t the best idea. Maybe I should start off more simply… just with words, and not emotions.

I suck in a breath and pick up my phone. I’ve already stored his number in my contacts list, so I find it and type…

— Thank you. Livia x

It seems a good idea to keep it simple to start with, and I add the kiss as in instinct.

His response is immediate.

— After what I did this morning, I didn’t think I’d hear from you ever again, or that you’d be so gracious. I hope you like the flowers, though. xx

— I love the flowers. They’re beautiful. But that’s not the only thing I’m thanking you for. I just checked my bank account. I didn’t realize what you’d done, and I’m sorry I didn’t thank you sooner. x

I send my reply, hoping it’s enough, and he comes back straight away.

— You don’t have to thank me. Can I call you? I need to hear your voice. xx

— Okay xx

It looks like words aren’t enough. We need emotions, too, and I suck in a breath, holding my phone, although I only have to wait a matter of seconds before it rings.


“Hi.” He might have said he needed to hear my voice, but he wasn’t alone. The sound of that single word makes every nerve in my body spark to life, and my skin tingles, my heart skipping a beat. I needed this, too. “A—Are you okay?”

“Yes, thank you.”

I hear him sigh. This isn’t going as well as I’d hoped. It feels awkward, and nothing like it used to be. “Do you remember when you said you liked me voicing my feelings?” he says.

“Yes.” I was lying in his arms, in bed, in Newport… before it all went wrong.

“Would you mind if I told you how I’m feeling now?”

“No.” I feel a little nervous, but I can’t stop him. It would be selfish and unkind.

“I’m scared, Livia. Really fucking scared.”

“What of?”

“That I’ve gone too far this time… that you won’t be able to forgive me.”

“Why did you assume the worst of me, Hunter? You know I’m not interested in Miles. You know I don’t even like him, so why did you assume—”

“Because I overreacted. It seems I’m quite good at it.”

“I guess you’re not alone in that.”

“How do you work that out?”
