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"Nothing," she murmured, and she tried to turn her face from mine – but I reached up, hand on her cheek, guiding her back towards me.

"It’s not nothing," I corrected her, and I watched as she drew in a sharp breath, chest rising beneath her coat.

"No, it’s not," she confessed. Her voice was lower now, breathy, and I could tell exactly what she was thinking – as clear as if she had spoken it out loud already. I smoothed my thumb across her soft cheek, grazing it down to the edge of her lip, and she sucked in another breath.

"You have no idea how often I’ve thought about that night," she confessed. "The night...the night we spent together, I mean. It’s been on my mind ever since..."

"It has?" I prompted her, a grin curling up my lips. She nodded, her cheeks darkening.

"Yeah," she admitted. "I...I haven’t been with anyone else since you."

"Really?" I asked her, surprised. It was hard to believe someone like her wouldn’t have had her pick of guys if she had wanted it. Hell, Sasha was clearly into her, and he wasn’t doing a good job hiding it.

She nodded again, unable to speak. I brushed my thumb across her bottom lip, feeling the heat of her breath against her skin, enjoying how she stared at me, as though she could hardly believe this was happening.

"You want me to show you what I’ve wanted to do since I first saw you at that bar?" I asked her. I needed to hear it from her. I needed her to tell me, no matter how crazy it might have been, no matter how reckless it was to let ourselves get drawn into something like this, that she wanted it, too. She nodded again, her lips parting slightly, her tongue grazing for the briefest moment against the pad of my thumb.

Slowly, slowly, taking my time, I drew her into me. And, at last, I planted my mouth to hers, my hand slipping to the back of her neck, as we came together once more.

Chapter Seven – Jo

He pulled me onto his lap at once, pushing the jacket away from my shoulders to expose me, and I grabbed onto him, holding on for dear life. I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing, what the hell was going through my head right now, but my body was insistent on taking this to the next level.

The last time we’d been together felt like a lifetime ago, and yet, as his mouth moved against mine, all the memories came flooding back once more – all the need I’d felt for him, all the desire that had consumed me when he had been close to me, it pulsed through my body again, as it had only been a matter of minutes since we had last been together like this.

He reached down and grabbed the hem of my skirt, pushing it up roughly as I straddled him – there wasn’t a lot of room in the car, but it didn’t matter. Shit, I knew that anyone from work could walk out right now and catch us in the act, but I didn’t care. The rush of emotions that had consumed me since we had started talking was making it nigh-on impossible to think straight, and the only way I could think to put an end to it was if I felt him inside me once more.

He growled against my mouth, his teeth catching on my bottom lip, and I moaned against his lips, unable to hold it back, unable to even try. I just needed this. I grabbed his face, hands on each of his cheeks, feeling the stubble against my fingertips, remembering, all too clearly, what this had been like the first time. I could almost trace out his tattoo from memory, I had replayed this moment in my head so many times.

I pushed myself down into his lap, and, sure enough, I could already feel the hardness of his cock pressing against his pants. I knew none of this was smart, exactly, and knew I should have known better than to let myself get drawn in by the pleasure of his attention once more, but how could I deny myself? How could I pretend, even for a moment, that I didn’t want him when he had been the focus of all of my sexual fantasies for longer than I would care to admit?

"You want me to fuck you?" he asked me, lips caressing mine as he spoke. I nodded, practically whining against his lips in my eagerness to feel him inside of me. He pulled my panties to the side and unzipped his pants, bringing his cock into his hand, and I stared down at him in the dim half-light, marveling at how good he looked. Even after all these years, he was still the man I had wanted with every part of myself on the night of my twenty-first birthday, when my whole system had been given over to the intensity of his gaze, of how much he wanted me.

He planted himself at my entrance, and I felt his thick tip spreading me open once more; he grasped my hips, and slowly pulled me down on top of him. Both of us let out a groan as he entered me, the feeling familiar and yet brand-new at the same time. Oh, if only he knew how many times I had thought about this, how many times I had fantasized about having him all to myself again...

"Fuck, you feel even better than I remember," he groaned in my ear, as he slid his hands to my waist. I grabbed onto the back of the chair behind him and began to rock on top of him, moving this way and that, indulging in the feel of his cock massaging me from every angle.

I kissed him again, dipping my mouth down to his with a greedy want that seemed to take me over completely. I could feel his breath coming harder and faster against my lips, and the riskiness of this encounter only elevated the intensity of my need for him. I couldn’t remember ever wanting someone more than this in my life, even the first time we had been together – because this was different. Now, we had history, and this was exactly the indulgence I had been waiting for in the half-decade since we had done this last.

I moved my hand between my legs to start playing with my clit as I moved on top of him, my eyes starting to blur around the edges as our tongues moved in each other's mouths. His cock was throbbing inside of me, his hands digging roughly against my skin, like he wanted to mark me – like he wanted nothing more than to make me his.

And, right now, that was exactly what I wanted too. I could feel it rising inside of me, the orgasm already close to the edge, as though I had been holding off all these years – I had come plenty of times since then, but as the pleasure bloomed and grew, it felt as though it might have been the first. As though I had been waiting for the feel of him inside of me all this time before I could get the release I needed so badly before I could give myself over to it completely.

"Oh, fuck," he groaned, as he thrust himself up and into me one last time – and, as he held himself there, I felt him finish inside of me. The warmth of his seed filling me, it was all I needed to take me over the edge and into my own release. And yes, I knew it was risky, I knew I should have known better, especially what had happened the last time I had given myself to him like this – but at that moment, I couldn’t have cared less. I couldn’t have cared about anything but forgetting the world outside the confines of this car, and letting my pleasure take the lead.

And I came, hard, on his cock, my body spasming helplessly as I moaned against his mouth. My entire system seemed to tremble on that brink of pleasure for a long moment before it broke, and I pressed my head into his shoulder, inhaling the smell of his aftershave, wishing I could just lose myself to this entirely, at least for a little longer.

He smoothed his hands down my back, holding me close, as though silently letting me know that he wasn’t going to let me go anywhere. I needed that – I needed him to assure me that I hadn’t just made a huge mistake, no matter what I was sure all of my good sense would have had to say about this.

He pushed his hand into my hair and guided my mouth back around to his again, kissing me – softly this time, slowly, like he was doing his best to bring me back down to earth. I could still feel the spasms of pleasure pulsing through my system, but my breathing was starting to slow and return to normal now.

"Holy shit," I murmured to him, and I couldn’t help but giggle as the rush of endorphins I didn’t often get a chance to blow off some steam like this, I always had to be sensible, and there was something intoxicatingly fun about the way it felt to just let myself be reckless for a moment.

"I should get you home," he told me, brushing his nose against mine and grinning.

"I guess you should," I agreed. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to let him know where I lived quite that easily, but right then, he could have suggested anything in the world, and I was pretty sure I would have gone along with it.

I slipped off of him and into the seat beside me, pulling my skirt down and re-adjusting myself so I wouldn’t be flashing any unsuspecting passers-by we passed on the road.
