Page 114 of Julian

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What is happening? Where am I? Rafe struggled to wake, controlling the beasts within him. His eyes fluttered open, hazy vision beginning to clear. He looked up at an ornate, stained glass cathedral ceiling, moonlight streaming through a clear crescent-shaped panel.

As his gaze fell to the bed, something moved beneath the thick silk purple bedding. His heart beating in anticipation, he lifted the blanket. A beautiful, nude woman peered up at him, her lips brushing over his pelvis.

“What…who are you?” Though he attempted to sit up, she placed a gentle hand on his chest, settling him back onto his pillow. She smiled and brought a single finger to her pursed full lips, silencing his concerns.

The door creaked, murmurs and curious whispers in the distance, drawing his attention away from the woman in his bed. He retracted his fangs, curious about the conversation. As he looked up, his heart raced as he caught sight of the witch talking to two men in the hallway. Vampires. Greyson and Viktor.

Like an ethereal Goddess, Ilsbeth turned to look at Rafe, her long white silver hair braided down her back. “Rafe has learned from ancient vampires and wolves. He’s fed from the blood of the mated Alpha and chameleon. With strength greater than most creatures, he will learn of his destiny before he returns to Julian. He will learn the way of magick under a High Priestess…his schooling will commence in the morning.”

As the great wooden door closed behind her, Rafe fell back into the bed and stared at the ceiling in disbelief. On any other day, he’d race to escape but whether it was Ilsbeth’s magick or simply his desire to get away, to explore life, far from the chaos, he silently accepted the invitation. An odd sense of calm and contentment blanketed over him, as he resigned his fate. He closed his eyes, calling on the power of his wolf and vampire and in that very moment, the magick flickered, thrumming through his body, his power greater than ever.

He sucked a deep breath as warm lips pressed around his hardened cock, his fangs descending. Destiny had a funny way of giving you what you needed when you weren’t asking. He might not roll with Ilsbeth for more than a day, but for tonight, he’d try to appreciate the adventure.

Rafe’s arousal amped as the donor sucked his cock, his body on fire with lust. The sound of her heartbeat pounded like a drum in his ears, tempting him, his thirst teetering on the edge. He reached for her and flipped her onto her back. The willing donor sighed, lying nude with her arms and legs spread open on the bed, submitting, offering her neck to the vampire. Wild with hunger, Rafe focused in on his target, his fangs slicing into her creamy skin.

His senses went on alert as a bloodcurdling scream echoed from the hallway. Rafe released the donor and leapt off the bed. His pulse raced as he tore open the door and caught sight of the unadulterated carnage. As he shifted into wolf, he prepared once again for the fight.

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