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I dodged to the side when Medea swung at me. Her fingernails glanced off the top of my ear while I slowed down to shout, “Stop jumping up and down, Bellona dude! Your belly button is showing, and it has long, thick hair sprouting out. It’s disgusting! I need to go home to wash my eyes.”

Bellona stopped cold, and many students winced at the disturbing image as well.

As I stepped left and right to avoid being smacking by Medea again, my crowd shouted, “Fight back, Barbie! Fight back!”

“I’m trying!” I barked back, a bit annoyed. “You think I’m sleeping or eating cakes? I can’t believe you guys are so aggressive!”

I jabbed my knuckles into Medea’s kidney under the peer pressure, and the princess hissed in pain. I allowed her to leap back to nurse her wound. I’d given only half of my strength, since I didn’t want to punch a hole in her kidney.

Why not? Sy demanded.

We don’t want to kill her, unless she tries to kill us, I said.

She aims to kill each time! Sy said. I’m going to eat her.

A lot of supernaturals were on her to-eat list.

Medea did a wheelhouse-style kick and swung her leg toward my head.

I dodged it. “You try to be fancy, but you’re lacking creativity. You aim for brilliance, but you often come up short.” I tilted my head and smiled at the pure hatred in her eyes. “Despite your royal title, you aren’t even good enough to live in Prince Killian’s shadow. No wonder he doesn’t want you to call him brother.”

I kicked my leg out in a feint. Medea sidestepped to the left, just as I’d expected. Before she could counterattack, I dropped low, hooking my foot around her ankle, lightning fast, and then slammed her in the knee hard with my other foot.

She went down, and I pressed the advantage and landed on her, pushing my left foot down on her heaving chest.

“Hello, princess.” I smirked at her. “How are we doing so far?”

My crowd went wild.

A group of Medea’s goons tried to jump on the desk to fight me off, but my team moved forward as one and blocked them.

“This is a one-on-one duel!” Bea shouted. My meek friend was turning into a bulldog. “Princess Medea started it!”

Medea snarled, whipping her head around, and a dozen snakes emerged from her hair.

“Don’t let them bite you!” Jinx shouted. “Those snakes are her power. They’re poisonous. Their venom can?—”

Three snakes led the attack and shot toward me. I quickly grabbed the necks of all three snakes and tossed them away with a groan of disgust. Their cold skin made my skin crawl.

Then dozens of snakes swarmed me. I looked on in horror, frozen for a long beat, before jumping off Medea and scrambling back. Anyone would freeze if their father had tossed them into a pit of snakes as a child. You didn’t just get over the fear overnight.

A snake sank its fangs into the corner of my left eye. Pain pierced me. I cried, snatching that snake and smashing its head into the edge of the desk.

I shall get Prince Killian! Pucker said, and then he was gone.

“Healers!” Bea screamed in panic. “We need healers! Barbie was bitten by Princess Medea’s snakes!”

My friends rushed toward me, but the demons blocked them from reaching me.

Swaying on my feet, I stared at Medea in a dreadful realization.

The old Greek gods might’ve gone from our realm, but they’d left their hybrid offspring on Earth. Medea was Medusa’s descendant. If she’d inherited Medusa’s full power, I wondered if she could turn me to stone when I stared back at her face.

Her snake had bitten me.

That was why Killian hadn’t allowed Medea to challenge me when I first entered his house. If she’d fought me back then, while I was shaken from being stripped in front of thousands, I might’ve been defeated and denied entrance to the House of Chaos, even if I survived.

And Killian wouldn’t be able to shield me if I wasn’t in his house. Well, he had to let me go now. I’d been bitten by the most venomous snake. I could feel the magical poison flowing in my veins.
