Page 19 of The Stalker

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Damn. I’ll never hear the end of this from Alvin and Cade. Then again, so fucking what? I got my dream girl, who’s about to become my wife.

That’s the only thing that matters.



“You should tell your husband to smile more. He’s gonna scare your customers with that dark, menacing look on his face.”

I pretend not to hear Dina as she whispers into Katherine’s ear. For some odd reason, she is now a constant in our lives.

After she took care of Katherine that night, they became instant friends. As if there weren’t at least fifty years between them. And when Katherine opened a bespoke jewelry shop, Dina was her first employee. Well, Dina and me.

As expected, the business took off.

It shouldn’t have come as a surprise given how talented my wife is. Perhaps the only issue I have is it has become so popular that almost every woman getting engaged wants Katherine’s rings, which means that most of her clientele are men.

So, no.

I will sit here in the corner with my dark, menacing face, so none of these guys will get any ideas.

Danny D jumps on my lap and purrs. He’s Dina’s cat of the day—she brings a different one every morning—and is the most demanding of the bunch. He always acts like a boss and as if I owe him anything. When he settles on my lap, he waves his tail—his way of ordering me to stroke his fur.

I don’t even like cats. The only pussy I need is my wife’s.

“I’ll be just five minutes,” Katherine calls out from behind the display case.

With my hand absentmindedly stroking Danny D’s tail, I look up at her. “No worries, cupcake. Take all the time you need.”

She beams at me in that familiar way that makes my heart constrict in my chest. God, I love this woman so much.

“I have a little something for you,” she tells me, her eyes shining.

She sits beside me on the pink L-sofa and hands me something small. When she drops it into my open palm, I can’t help the grin on my face. It’s a solid gold band with a mix of green, blue, and white stones.

“Happy 5th anniversary.” Katherine cradles my face in her hands and plants a soft kiss on my lips.

“Happy 5th anniversary, cupcake.” My arms go around her to pull her closer and give her a proper kiss, one that leaves her breathless and flushed.

Danny D has long abandoned me and is judging us from his spot by the window.

“Do you like it? I know the colors may be too much. Those are green-toned and blue sapphires, some small white diamonds.”

I hook a finger under her chin and raise her face. “I love it. Besides, even if you ask me to wear a tutu, I’ll ask you when and where. You want something, I’ll do it. Haven’t you learned that by now?”

Her eyes crinkle at the corners, lips curving upwards. “I’ll hold you onto that promise.”

I raise a brow but grin because when Katherine smiles, I can never help but smile back. Her happiness is infectious. “As long as you let me take care of you in bed.”

“How about a drive-in cinema date? A rom-com is showing this weekend.”

I snort. “Are we both gonna pretend we actually pay attention to the movie?”

Her peals of laughter fill the air, and it’s always been my kind of music. Five years ago, I made a vow to myself that I’d be the one to bring her joy and happiness.

Five years to forever, and so far, so good.

The End.
