Page 92 of When Swans Dance

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Dr. Myers’s face softened. “That’s normal after what you’ve been through, but I promise you, we wouldn’t discharge you if I didn’t have the utmost confidence in your continued recovery.”

That was something, especially since last time, he’d left rehab against medical advice. The fact that he had the full support of his medical team helped calm his anxiety. But one other thing nagged at him.

“Do you think I’ll be able to walk on my own, without a cane?”

Dr. Bhati frowned. “Your physical therapist believes so…”

Steven could hear the hesitation in his voice. “But?”

“But we’re not sure when.”

“I suppose it doesn’t matter anyway,” he grumbled. Since the wedding was already canceled, there was no deadline for him to be able to walk again anymore. That was the other reason he wasn’t in a hurry to leave. He had no one to rush home to.

“Don’t be like that.” Lanie squeezed his hand. “You’ve got to stay positive.”

He forced a smile for her benefit, but by the expression on her face, it wasn’t very convincing.

“Anyway,” Dr. Myers said, clearly trying to keep them on topic, “I’ve got some discharge paperwork here for you with instructions.” His face turned stern. “But just because we’re letting you go home doesn’t mean you can jump right back into your life. You still need to take it easy and avoid overexerting yourself.”

“Understood,” Steven said. The last thing he or his business needed was another stint in the hospital—or worse.

“I brought you some clothes.” Lanie handed him a bag and hooked her thumb over her shoulder. “I’ll wait outside while you change.”

“And I’ll see you next week for a follow-up appointment,” Dr. Bhati said.

They all left the room, giving him some much-needed privacy. He stared at the bag in his hand, trying to ignore the anxiety clawing up his chest. Am I ready for this? Can I really keep from stressing out once I’m back in my old life? Will the changes I’ve made stick?

A part of him wished it had been Rose instead of Lanie who had shown up. He wanted to talk to her again, show her all he’d done to get better. Maybe she would come by once she heard he was home. He crossed his fingers as he dressed.

Less than a half hour later, Steven and Lanie drove away from the facility. It was the first time he’d been in a car in weeks. Despite his misgivings about leaving, he couldn’t wait to be home. The rehab bed wasn’t comfortable, and while he didn’t consider himself an introvert, there was something to being able to shut out the world and enjoy some alone time.

“Welcome home,” Lanie said as she pulled into his driveway.

Two cars were parked to one side, and he held his breath as he searched the yard for his visitors. But his ribs tightened when he realized the cars belonged to his father and Michael.

Dad came to the passenger side and opened his door. “How does it feel to be free?”

Steven laughed. “It’s not like I was in prison, Dad.”

His dad harrumphed. “Might as well have been.”

Even though it was pointless, Steven allowed his eyes to sweep over the yard one more time in case he’d missed Rose hiding somewhere. Dad didn’t miss the look.

“I’m sorry she’s not here, son.”

With a nod, Steven grabbed his cane and walked to his front door. On the bright side, he was alive, he was home, and he was no longer confined to a wheelchair.

“We’ll bring your stuff in and unpack it,” Lanie called from behind.

Michael held the door open. “Welcome home, boss.”

Once Steven was inside, he headed to the dining room, where a nice spread of all his favorite lunch fixings had been laid out on the table—ham, turkey, an assortment of cheeses, and spicy mayonnaise. His stomach was churning too much to be hungry, but he decided to humor his family. The last thing he needed was for them to report to Dr. Myers that he wasn’t eating.

“Would you like something to drink?” Michael asked, coming into the room behind him.

He nodded and slid into a chair, leaning his cane against the table. A moment later, Lanie appeared and moved it to the corner. He frowned at her, but she rolled her eyes.

“I’ll bring it back when you’re ready to get up,” she said, waving her hand before disappearing with Dad to Steven’s bedroom.

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