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I wish that she would have done the right thing and made sure to tell me what to do. I could have done something if she would have just told me, but she left me in the dark so how was that my fault? After what she did to me, I swore that I would never allow someone in my life again like that? Unfortunately, though, it became more and more clear that I was going to have a fight on my hands.

Penelope is doing everything in her power to just piss me off. I don’t want her getting into my business and bugging me, but it seems like she wants to do precisely that. She continuously comes around me and makes sure that I know she is there and that makes me even more mad. I’m planning to do everything in my power to get rid of her, but I know it’s not going to be easy. I just wish that I could do something about it.

“Are you okay, Carter?” My best friend and second-in-command, Rowan, asks me as he raises an eyebrow at me, “You seem to be a bit on edge.”

“I’m waiting for her to show up and annoy me again.” I tell him, grinding my teeth together as I feel like I’m getting more and more frustrated, “I don’t know what it is about this insane woman, but she keeps driving me crazy. I honestly think I’m going to be at the point I’m going to murder her and just get away with it.”

His lips purse as he narrows his eyes, giving me a look of anger, “Now, don’t you dare talk like that, Carter. You know this Princess is not the bad guy in this situation and she’s just doing what she has to. I understand how you’re feeling, it’s probably not easy, but please give her the benefit of the doubt.”

I hate him right now because he’s right.

I shouldn’t be letting my anger get the best of me right now when this is not her fault. A part of it is her fault, I know this, but I’m doing everything in my power to make sure that she doesn’t get hurt. She’s lucky she has even protected her because she could easily be killed, let me remind her of that. I don’t need to be so generous; doesn’t she realize that? Everything that I have done has been for the sake of my kingdom. I didn’t marry her because she was everything that I wanted. That idea just makes me laugh to even think about.

Everything that I have strived to do has been for the sake of peace. I hated seeing so many of my men dying because of a stupid war that just needed to end. I don’t know why marriage had to be the reason it ended but I think that someone had to make a barter and make sure that they came out on top. I hated it and I made sure it was known to the Council that I didn’t agree with this. I didn’t want to get married just because I had to. I wanted to marry someone because they were it for me and I wanted to continue to love them. But due to this process, I’ve ended up getting everything thrown in my face and I don’t think that I was ever going to come back from it. I wish that it wasn’t the case and I wish that I could have changed my mind, but I know there is no going back.

“I don’t care what she does, just make sure that she is protected.” I explain to Rowan, knowing that he has been personally guarding her the majority of the time because I trust him not to do anything, “I know that you might not see it as your job description, but I trust you more than anyone else. I know that you won’t touch her even if you’re tempted to and I know that you’ll do everything in your power to keep her safe.”

“I didn’t think you would care so much if she was safe.” Rowan disagrees with me, folding his arms across his chest, “Just tell me the truth, Carter, you’re worried about actually falling for her.”

I just scoff because how can he even say that to me, “You know that I have absolutely NO intention of ever falling in love with someone. If it were up to me, she would already be gone but unfortunately, I have had to live with the fact that it’s not going to turn out that way. I hate that it has turned out this way but everything that I have done has been for this kingdom. She’s here, she’s married to me. That’s all that is needed.”

I don’t care if I sound bitter or anything. I’m not even bitter, I’m just tired of having to do what everyone else tells me to do. I want to fall in love out of my own accord and I want to do everything in my power to make sure that I’m not going to get my heart broken in the process once more.

That’s why it is just easier to push her aside and let her do her own thing.

Chapter Three


I thought that he would have forced me to his bed already, but Carter hasn’t. It was really surprising, and I wanted to ask him why because it didn’t make sense as to why we haven’t done anything. I don’t know if he has problems or something, but I’d like to get to the bottom of it. We’re to have children and fall in love (not really) but that’s how the Council sees it. If they learn that we haven’t consummated the marriage, I don’t even know what they will do.

Could it be he is not attracted to me? I mean, I’ve been doing my best to make myself attractive to him and wearing the most revealing clothing at bedtime, but he has never come to my chambers. He hasn’t touched me, kissed me, or wanted anything from me. Although it is a relief because I have never been keen on being forced into anything, none of this makes sense and doesn’t fit him. I know that he’s probably just thinking about what he’s going to do to me and whatever, but it is mind-boggling to think that he might end up doing something crazy like this.

Running my fingers through my hair, I notice how the sun is setting once again and he still hasn’t shown up. His best friend and my guard, Rowan, is standing in the corner of the room doing nothing besides looking at something on his phone. He doesn’t talk much, and he doesn’t give me much of a choice with how everything has been happening between us. I know that this could very well turn around and bite me in the butt but what I do know is that I’m not going to allow this to turn around and do anything to me. He seems like he really knows Carter and how he is going to do everything in his power to remain on Carter’s good side. I can definitely see how that might end up confusing everything and makes me wonder what might end up happening between us. I know that this could very well turn around and bite me in the butt but even then, I couldn’t be completely sure.

Sighing softly, I run my fingers through my hair and continue about my business and hope that everything is going to be alright. I couldn’t be completely sure about everything right now but what I do know is that I’m not going to allow anything to stand in my way. So, I’m finally going to speak up for once.

“Why hasn’t he come to my chambers?” I ask Rowan, seeing how he looks up at me, “I understand he probably didn’t want this but if the Council finds out we haven’t consummated the marriage, I have no idea what they are going to do to me. I know they can’t do anything to him because he is King, but they might end up doing something to me. Like I’m the problem.”

He sighs and shakes his head, “I wouldn’t take it to heart, Princess. He just didn’t want a mate in the first place after what happened with the last one and I just don’t think he knows what to do with you. I think you remind him of everything that he just doesn’t want to have anymore.”

“What do you mean?” I ask him curiously now, “Did he have a mate already?”

“He did.” He nods his head, probably hesitating on how much he can share with me, “but she ended up breaking his heart. It’s a tough situation because she ended up mating with someone else and getting pregnant by him. She ended up blaming Carter for her own choices like he didn’t make her have any, and I know he took it to heart. He really did love her, and she ended up throwing it in his face.”

I’m shocked because I have never heard of this before, “wow, I didn’t know that. That’s a bit messed up especially if he didn’t do anything to her. I don’t see why she would just do something like that considering everything.”

He shrugs his shoulders, “Sometimes people do things and there’s just nothing we can do about it. Although I do hope that someday he might be able to find someone to love him, I don’t know how well your relationship will go with him considering he was forced into it.”

“I didn’t want this either!” I protest almost immediately, shaking my head back and forth, “After everything that I have been through, I wish that I could say that maybe I did want this, but I didn’t want to be forced into having a mate. I wanted to fall in love, be courted, enjoy all of those things but instead, I’m stuck with a man who looks at me like I’m disgusting when it wasn’t even my choice. He wouldn’t have been my first pick, let me tell you.”

Feeling a bit angrier now, I end up jumping to my feet and putting on my slippers as I storm out of my chambers. Rowan is quick to follow, probably wondering what I’m doing but I’m not going to tell him in case he wants to push me. I have no idea what I’m going to say or even do when I find Carter, but I have an idea of where he could be.

I burst into his chambers without knocking, seeing how he was sitting behind his desk and looking over his paper. He looks up almost immediately, his eyes narrowing as he sees me. I storm towards him, feeling a bit afraid because he could kill me if he wanted to but I’m not going to show him any fear. I slam my hands down onto the desk and glare right at him.

“I don’t know what you’re damn problem is, but you haven’t come to my chambers ONCE!” I snarl at him, baring my teeth and letting him see that I am pissed, “I understand that you didn’t want this and shit, but I don’t have a choice in the matter. We need to consummate the marriage, or I’m worried about what the Council will do to me. You know that I had to do this to protect my family.”

He just rolls his eyes, making me madder as he looks away from me, “Get out.”

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