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“I’m sorry to hear that.” The doors close, and the elevator goes up.

“Thank you.”

“Do you want to talk about it with a total stranger?”

I can’t help it. I laugh at that, some of the heaviness in my chest easing with it. “I’m all set, but thank you for offering.”

“Do you like working here?” he questions. “Other than your tough morning, that is.”

“I do.” I look up at him, his eyes still all over me, his lips twisted into a hint of a smirk, though I wouldn’t exactly say he’s smiling. It’s more mischievous than that. “Are you applying for a job here?”

“I wasn’t going to, but after meeting you, I’m strongly reconsidering that.”

My eyebrows bounce in surprise at how brazen he is. “Are you hitting on me?”

“Absolutely.” That smirk is definitely smiling now. “Are you?—”

The elevator stops, and the doors open and in walks freaking Zane. Clearly, I’m not going to catch any breaks today. He scowls, hits the button for his floor, eyes the stranger who is standing a bit too close, and then comes straight for me.

“We need to talk,” he demands.

For the love of God. Can’t I just get five minutes of freaking peace without a man interrupting it? Why haven’t I learned by this point to only take the stairs?

“No, we don’t. There’s nothing to say.” I give him a shut up, we’re in public look that he either misses entirely or doesn’t care enough about to heed.

“Katy, there’s a lot to say and I’m going to say it since this might be my only shot. I don’t know who the guy you’re keeping a secret is and I don’t care. Don’t do whatever you’re doing with him. Get pregnant with me. I’ll be so good to you this time. Please, just give me a second chance.”

Jesus hell. “Are you kidding me?!” I screech, my face flushing to mortified decibels.

“Hi,” the stranger who just hit on me says, extending his right hand to Zane while moving in directly beside me and putting his other hand on my lower back. “I’m Cayden. I’m the guy. Well, I should probably say her guy.” He bounces his head in my direction, a cocky, she’s all mine expression on his face.

“What?” both Zane and I gasp out.

Cayden grins and looks down at me. “It’s okay to tell him, honey. I know you wanted to keep it a secret, but he’ll never go away unless he knows who I am and that not only are you mine, but we’re trying to get pregnant.”

I’m dying. Or possibly having a stroke. Or a seizure. Or some kind of drug hallucination. Is my blood sugar low? That happens to me sometimes when my blood sugar bottoms out. I see random shit that’s not actually there right before I pass out. Is that what this is?

Zane is red. Like seriously freaking red. His fists ball up and he looks like he’s about to attack when his phone pings with a series of texts that call his attention away from me. I glance up at the stranger—he winks at me in a way that suggests I don’t rock the boat—and then the elevator stops on Zane’s floor.

“Shit. I have to go.”

I shrug. “Cool for you. I don’t care.”

He huffs. “Katy. Just…” His eyes swat over to Cayden’s before returning to mine. “He won’t love you the way I always will. Think about what I’m saying.” And then he steps off the elevator and the doors close, and the elevator starts again.

“Whoa. That was intense. You actually dated that guy?”

I laugh as he cracks the tension with a pitchfork. “I did, but you can’t hold it against me. Thank you for that. It was nice of you to step in. Even if I don’t know you and that might cause more problems.”

The doors open on my floor, and we step off. I throw him a wave and start off when his hand grasps my forearm, stopping me and turning me back to face him. “What do you mean it might cause more problems? I just got your ex off your back by becoming your secret boyfriend who is trying to get you pregnant.”

“You did,” I concede, shaking off his touch. “But now word will spread that I’m dating someone when I’m not.”

“Perhaps we should change that. Now that I’m no longer your secret, I should take you out for real.”

I shake my head. “I’m not dating right now.”

“No, you’re dating me. We just established that. How about dinner?—”
