Page 112 of Bet Me Something

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Chapter Nineteen

Friday evening in Vegas was a girls’ night and I was having an awesome time with Haylee, Sasha, and their friend Catherine. Because we didn’t want to take a chance on the men finding out early that we’d crashed Vegas, we were staying a few blocks down from Josh and Colby’s hotel until tomorrow when we’d change accommodations. We sat in the sky lounge of our hotel, sipping cocktails and enjoying one another’s company.

Both Sasha and Haylee were excited about surprising their significant others tomorrow poolside.

“How do you know they’ll be there for sure?” Sasha asked.

Haylee flashed a smile. “Because I enlisted the help of Colby, and he’ll make it happen. I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces.”

“You should walk by them all nonchalant in your bikinis and check them out. See if they notice you,” I suggested.

Both ladies smiled, deciding to do just that.

Catherine was seated next to me, and we’d been chatting it up since going shopping earlier. I’d really enjoyed getting to know her. For a fashion magazine editor, she definitely wasn’t as intimidating as I’d expected.

“So what’s the plan tomorrow night?” she asked.

Haylee spoke up. “I figured we’d start with dinner to celebrate the happy couple then continue with an after party. Maybe go to a club or bar. I haven’t been out since the baby was born, not that I’m complaining, but I want us all to have an evening of fun. And who knows? If I get a couple drinks in Josh, I may even get him out on the dance floor for a second time in his life.”

Everyone knew Josh had only ever danced during their wedding reception. “If you can get him moving with the club music, I would be amazed.” I couldn’t picture her mostly-serious husband shaking his hips to the music.

Haylee laughed. “Me, too, however that’s what Vegas is for.”

We all toasted to that.

While returning to our rooms, I walked a few steps back from the other ladies, next to Sasha, allowing me to say a few words to her in private. “I’m excited to have a sister-in-law I actually like.”

She smiled sincerely. “Thanks. Me, too, although I’m sure the rest of your family doesn’t feel quite the same way about me that you do.”

I scoffed. “Believe me when I say Brian and I are the only normal ones, so you should take any rejection by the others as a compliment. You two are perfect for each other. I realize we haven’t really known one another very long, but I already kind of think of you as family.”

“I feel the same. So what’s new with you? Last I saw you, Colby was beside himself taking care of you any way he could after the accident.”

Oh, boy. I didn’t wish to lie, but I couldn’t go and spill the truth, taking a chance that my brother would find out before Colby could speak with him. “How about I take a raincheck on answering your question for a few more weeks?” By then, we’d surely be ready to tell people.

She looked at me curiously. “What’s happening, then?”

I tried to play it cool. “Hopefully something worth telling you about.”

* * *

After arriving backin my room, it was tempting to text Colby to ask how his night was going or innocently say I was in my bed thinking of him. Ha. Who was I kidding? There’d be nothing innocent about it. How funny that the last time we’d been in Vegas nothing had happened between us, either.

Needing a distraction, I took a long bath before settling down into my king-sized bed. Damn. I had it bad when I couldn’t go one night without wanting to feel or, at the very least, talk to him. Tomorrow when we moved into the same hotel as the men, it would be torture having a room down the hall from him as Haylee had arranged everyone on the same floor.

On the brink of finally falling asleep, I heard my phone buzz. Reaching for it, I was disappointed to see it was only a text from Haylee with a time and place to meet tomorrow. Deciding I’d send a quick message to Colby, after all, I typed:

“One night down with one to go. Miss you. Now delete this message or it will self-destruct in 3-2-1.”

I was too sleepy to wait for his response but noticed in the morning I’d yet to receive one.

* * *

Because Vegasin August was brutally hot, we girls were checked in and poolside at the boys’ hotel by ten o’clock the next morning. It was hilarious watching Haylee and Sasha stroll by Brian and Josh as the men were ordering drinks at the bar. The looks on the guys’ faces were priceless, and they both practically tripped over themselves when they realized the gorgeous women in bikinis were, in fact, their significant others.

The surprise was sweet and it was obvious that both men were genuinely thrilled to have had their weekends crashed. It momentarily distracted me from searching for Colby. So when I heard his voice, I practically jumped.

“Hi, ladies.” His eyes twinkled when he saw my reaction, but he quickly turned toward Catherine. “Since we’re in Vegas where drinking in the morning is not only accepted, it’s expected, can I get you anything from the bar?”
