Page 113 of Bet Me Something

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“Nice to see you again, Colby.” She got up from her lounge chair and kissed him on the cheek. She’d known him for a number of years, having been a friend of Josh’s. “I’d love a Bloody Mary.”

He turned toward me, flashing the PDG. “And for you, Kenz?”

“A beer would be great, thanks.”

He was wearing nothing but board shorts, and as he walked away, it was clear women were taking notice. Who could blame them with his fine body on display? It would sure be nice to be able to show everyone he was my man. Deciding this was torture, I smiled at Catherine and excused myself to go in search of a snack.

After walking to the other side of the pool, I ordered a hot pretzel, pleasantly surprised when Colby came over to deliver my beer.

“Hi,” I greeted, hearing my voice go husky.

The look on his face made me realize it hadn’t gone unnoticed. “Hi.”

“You didn’t answer my text,” I whispered, accepting my pretzel and walking with him along the pool towards the other side where everyone else was.

He sighed. “I wanted to, but I we were at a bar and I didn’t want anyone asking who I was texting.”

I swallowed hard, not liking the reminder of our secret, yet knowing it was ridiculous that I couldn’t have gone one night without hearing from him. “Right. Guess that makes sense.”

He gave me a sideways glance. “Don’t be mad.”

“I’m more annoyed with myself that I sent it at all. The dumb thing is we’d normally be playing around right now instead of acting weird.”

I should’ve known when his devilish smile flashed my way, he was up to something.

“You’re right, so in the spirit of getting back there and showing everyone we’re acting like we typically would, let me take your beer and pretzel. And in you go.”

And just like that, he hip checked me into the pool.

I came up for air, glaring at him despite my grin. Yeah, that would be something he’d do to me before we’d become a couple. At least he’d saved my beer and snack.

Everyone else shared the amusement. As they laughed, I caught Mark and Will’s nods from behind Colby.

When I reached my hand up for help, Colby was smart enough to grab onto the rail, knowing I’d try to pull him in. But he was unprepared for the assistance of two strong guys pushing him from behind.

He laughed, making a show out of dunking me, except this time when I went under, I felt an undeniable butt grab. I caught his wink when I broke the surface.

My brother jumped in to give me a hug while the rest of the group joined soon after. We hung out there until noon and then retired to our rooms with the plan to meet up for dinner by five o’clock.

I was jealous of the couples getting some alone time and tried to figure out what I would do with my afternoon. Hearing the knock on my door sent my heart into overdrive, so when I saw Will standing there, I tried not to look disappointed.

“You interested in shooting some guns and hanging out with the boys this afternoon?”

I smiled, thinking it did sound like a lot of fun. “I’d love to. Who else is coming?”

“Both Colby and Mark. Catherine booked a spa appointment as she wasn’t really into it. Meanwhile, we have reservations at an indoor range and, I believe, go-cart racing afterwards.”

Sounded like a good time to me.

* * *

After a great dayof hanging with the guys, one of which was my secret boyfriend, I returned to my room with a lasting smile. We’d all four bet on everything from shooting to who’d win the best out of five races. Mark, who was the quieter guy of the group, was no match for the outgoing personalities of the other three of us but admitted he hadn’t had such a good time in ages. Even if I didn’t get to touch Colby all day, at least we’d been able to spend time together, having fun like we’d always been able to do.

Donning a black romper that belted at the waist, I hoped Catherine was right about the garment showing off my legs, a claim she’d made when I’d tried it on yesterday. I wore my hair down with large chunky curls, quickly put on some makeup, and met the others at the appointed time downstairs in the lobby.

Everyone was in a good mood, especially Josh, who’d found out that in addition to his wife coming to crash the weekend, she’d brought the baby with their nanny. As she’d said last evening, it was the best of both worlds to be able to enjoy the adult celebrations and then come back to their daughter afterward.

A limo whisked us all to a wonderful Italian place where both the alcohol and conversation flowed. I noticed Colby was careful to keep his distance from me. Despite knowing I’d agreed to this for the weekend, it still sucked. Big time. I needed another drink, but not so many I got to the point of accidentally trying to dry hump him in a corner of the club later.
