Page 114 of Bet Me Something

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At the conclusion of a great dinner, we walked the Strip a couple of blocks to our next destination which was a happening night club. As soon as we made our way in, Sasha and I excused ourselves to the ladies room, where she turned in front of the vanity, complimenting me.

“You look really great tonight. I swear you have the best legs, and Catherine was right about that outfit showing them off.”

“Thank you. Sometimes it’s nice to dress up my inner tomboy.”

She scoffed. “Nothing tomboyish about you tonight. And I can’t help but notice that Colby is being very careful not to pay too much attention to you.”

I smiled, appreciating her solidarity and wishing I could confide in her. But it wouldn’t be fair to put her into a position where she’d be keeping secrets from my brother.

After walking back out, we made our way toward the VIP section where we had tables a floor above the action on the dance floor. The place was starting to fill up, so our exclusive area was nice in that we didn’t have to fight the growing masses.

I watched as two beautiful women approached Brian and Colby, who were both standing by the balcony. The women looked as though they were familiar with them.

Sasha’s brow arched. “Do you know who they are?”

“No, I sure don’t. Is it me, or are they kind of touchy?” Both women had hugged the guys. Now they were unsubtly brushing their arms with their hands in a way that said this wasn’t the first time they’d met each other.

“Definitely touchy and flirty.”

Much to my brother’s credit, he appeared instantly uncomfortable. My man, on the other hand, was harder to figure since he laughed at something the brunette said to him and didn’t seem to mind she was only inches from him.

“Come on, we’re going in,” Sasha said, taking me by the arm and then leading me over to them. Clearly, she intended to have the blonde standing way too close to Brian know that his fiancée was here.

“Hey, Bri,” Sasha said with a smile.

My brother looked relieved, putting his arm around her immediately. “Uh, Simone, Rachel, this is my fiancée, Sasha, and my sister, Kenzie.”

Both women smiled, and we murmured our pleasantries, but it was obvious that Rachel, the blonde, was a bit disappointed to learn Brian had a fiancée. She was quickly consoled, however, with Will and Mark joining the group.

Now that I was closer to Colby, I realized his smile was a bit strained.

“Are you from here?” Sasha asked the girls, to which they replied they’d both lived here a few years and worked in the city.

As I tried to figure out why the name Simone sounded familiar, it suddenly dawned on me. Crazy, aggressive Simone from the strip club, Lucky Ladies. She was the woman Colby had been involved with albeit only for her pleasure if I remembered correctly. As if confirming my thoughts, he looked away quickly, while turning pink around his ears when I met his eyes.

Simone put her hands around his arm possessively. “Buy us a drink?”

Colby turned, escorting both ladies toward the bar.

I still maintained that his history didn’t matter and meant it, but when the past was currently being bought a drink unaware of his present, it made being invisible hard to take. Deciding I didn’t want to appear obvious in my displeasure, I abruptly excused myself.

“Sorry, I, um, just realized I have to make a phone call.” It was the best I could do for an excuse given the circumstances. Bringing out my phone as exhibit A to complete my lameness, I stepped outside, wishing the night wasn’t still scorching hot.

“You okay?” Will’s voice startled me.

“Yeah. Good, thanks.”

His lips curved up. “How was your phone call?”

Of course he’d seen through my excuse. “About as real as those women’s boobs in there.”

He laughed out loud. “Your boy didn’t seem all that thrilled to see them here if you want my opinion.”

Haylee peeked her head out the door, smiling at us. “Hey, guys, last chance to put your bets in whether or not I can get Josh on the dance floor.”

Her smile was contagious, and I forced myself to relax. Will helped with the effort by leading me out to the dance floor.

* * *
