Page 25 of Grave New World

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Lucy went still and croaked, “Please hurry and solve this. Lives depend on it.” She bolted, vanishing in the distant shadows as if she were the ghost Fiona recommended Jane weave into her story.

Beau caught her by the arm and pulled her behind him. He looked left, right. “What happened? Talk to me.”

Jane took a moment to breathe. “The mayor followed Conrad and me. Our wonderful sheriff gave chase. I made my way to you and found Lucy. Well, she found me. She witnessed the murder. I just learned the killer is male and built like the mayor, Jacob Thacker, Mason Thorton and Donnie the fireman. So? What are we waiting for? Let’s go rescue our mansel in distress.”

“There’s no need.”

Conrad’s rich baritone reached her ears, and she gasped, spinning. There he stood, in the entrance of the alley, his expression grim.

She raced over and threw her arms around him, repeating Beau’s words. “What happened? Talk to me!”

“Someone followed the mayor in a car. The son, I’m guessing. As soon as the mayor realized I had spotted him, he hopped in and the two drove off. I noted the vehicle’s make and model, but they made sure I couldn’t see the plate number. Which isn’t a crime, but I’ll still be hauling in Mr. Mayor for questioning. Not that it’ll do much good. He’ll lawyer up and say nothing.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “The investigation needs Lucy’s testimony on the record.’”

Conrad had heard what Jane said regarding the loan officer. Good. “Let’s go see Ashley and find out what info she’s got on Hannah. Then I’ll speak with Jacob tomorrow at Maggie’s book club party.” She’d also do a little online sleuthing to dig into Donnie Eggerson’s past. No one was that creepy without a reason.

The boys groaned, which Jane took as enthusiastic approval. Maybe the buck stopped with the Thackers, maybe not. But if they had started this game to punish her for testifying against Jessica Thacker, well, they’d just have to deal when Jane ended it.


Don’t be afraid to share the thoughts of everyone who enters the page, even the dog.

Y’all Write Now–Advice for New Writers

by Tabby Paynes-Murksand

While Beau tracked Lucy, Jane and Conrad hopped in his SUV and headed for Aurelian Hills Media.

Don’t ask his opinion of your writing. Don’t ask his opinion of your writing.

“Did you have a chance to read my chapter?” she blurted out.

A long pause ensued. Until… “I did, and your punctuation is outstanding. The talking tree is a surprisingly fantastic character.”

That was it? All he had to say? “You hated it,” she groaned.

He flipped his blinker and sighed. “Jane, there’s three things I’ve learned in this life. Never let your mom mess with your hair when she’s mad at your dad, never respond when a woman asks if she looks bad, and never do anything but encourage the woman you love when she’s excited.”

Jane slumped against the seat. “So you think I’m a hack.”

He answered her with an even heavier sigh as he pulled into a space and parked. “You aren’t a hack, and I didn’t hate it. I very much enjoyed the peek inside your brain.”

She rotated to face him. “Then give me something constructive. Don’t hold back. I’m writing a pre-bestseller, and I need all the advice I can get. Plus, your opinion is important to me.”

He pursed his lips but nodded. “Very well. One tip. Your detective heroine gets the forensics report too early.”

“Are you sure? Because I read on the internet that–”

“I’m sure.” He unbuckled his seatbelt.

“Fine. I’ll fix it. Are you impressed with my maturity?”

He snorted. “Very. That’s why I’ll give you a second tip. Instead of combining all five Aurelian Hills murders in the opening scene, consider spacing them out and going through them one by one. That way, you’re not throwing so many names and histories at readers.”

Not a bad tip. If she started with Dr. Marcus Hotchkins, the first body she’d found, she would have more room to describe the ghost berserker. Yes! Inspiration struck, and she could hardly wait to write again. “Thank you, Conrad.” She leaned over to kiss his lips.

“You’re welcome.” He was grinning as he exited and jogged around the car to open her door. Offering his hand, he asked, “Shall we?”

“We shall.”
