Page 87 of Enduring Darkness

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“I’m sorry,” Josh suddenly says, the apologetic tone of his voice cutting through my distracted mind. “I’m probably boring you with this.”

I snap my gaze back to my date. Embarrassment washes through me, and I wave my hands in the air while giving him an apologetic smile. “No, no, not at all. I was just… trying to see where the restrooms are.”

“Oh.” He blinks. A hint of red creeps into his cheeks. Then he points towards the back of the restaurant. “They’re down there.”

Placing the white linen napkin on the table, I get to my feet and flash him another smile. “I’ll be right back.”

He nods, still looking a bit embarrassed.

I keep the smile on my face until my back is fully to him. Then I relax my facial muscles. Brushing my hands down my cream-colored dress, I blow out a long breath and walk through the busy restaurant until I reach the restrooms. I don’t really need to use it, but I need a break from our date.

The ladies’ restroom is one large room with three private stalls and a long counter with three sinks below a massive mirror. All of them are empty.

After I finish taking care of my nonexistent need, I kick the stall door shut with my heel and then walk over to the sink in the middle. The sound of rushing water fills the room as I wash my hands. Once I have dried them off, I remain standing there in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection and wondering for how long I can get away with hiding in here.

Before I can come to a decision, the door to the corridor outside is yanked open. Since I can’t just stand here when another woman has come to pee, I sigh and turn towards the door to leave.

My heart stops.

Standing frozen in the middle of the room, I stare at the man who just walked through the door.

Kaden Hunter.

The room seems to shrink around me at his dominating presence. His broad shoulders block the view of the now closed door behind him, and there is a lethal glint in his eyes as he stares me down.

“I thought I told you that no other man touches you,” he says, his voice dripping with threats.

An ominous click sounds as Kaden locks the door behind him.

I swallow. Fuck.

“We’re just having lunch,” I reply, trying to keep both the anxiety and the strange excitement that ripples through me from my voice.

“So he’s not here because he’s hoping to fuck you?”

My cheeks heat at his graphic word choice. Lifting my chin, I shoot him an annoyed look and cross my arms over my chest. “No. If you must know, my dad set up this meeting.”

Kaden’s gaze sharpens, and a muscle feathers in his jaw. “So, he’s hoping to fuck you and marry you.”

Well, yes. But I don’t think that answer will do anything to improve my current situation, so instead I throw my arms out and snap, “What was I supposed to do? Refuse to go?”


My heart flutters at how dead serious that answer was. However, before I can reply that I can’t just disobey my father like that, Kaden takes a step closer. I instinctively take a step back, but my ass hits the edge of the marble counter behind me.

Lightning crackles through my veins as Kaden drags his gaze up and down my body while closing the distance between us.

“Looks like I need to remind you of the rules,” he says.

I swallow, but my heart pounds with forbidden excitement. Turns out that this lunch date isn’t as boring and uneventful as I thought it was going to be.

Kaden jerks his chin at me. “Sit on the counter.”

Glancing over my shoulder, I move until I’m standing at a place between two of the sinks where the counter is flat and empty. Then I place my hands on the edge and pull myself up so that I’m sitting on it.

A thud sounds as Kaden drops a pack on the floor. I glance down at it.

“Take off your panties,” he orders.
