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Bull Neck swings his fist towards my face.

I ram my elbow down into his forearm, redirecting the blow while slamming my other fist into his stomach.

Air explodes from his lungs in a whoosh and he doubles over, losing his grip on me. But before I can deliver a kick to his face, Greasy Hair yells and swings a bat at me. Shoving Bull Neck away from me, I sidestep the bat and then grab it mid-air.

With a firm pull, I yank it from his grip while saying, “First of all, that’s not how you hold a bat properly.”

Greasy Hair jerks back in surprise and blinks at me.

“And secondly, you’re not supposed to yell when you swing the bat.” I spin the bat in my hand and then point it at him while raising my eyebrows. “Seriously? It’s Bat Etiquette 101. Did no one ever teach you that?”

Bull Neck groans from my right and straightens to punch me again. I quickly shift sideways and slam the bat into his stomach. He drops like a stone.

“I will fucking kill you!” Greasy Hair screams, and charges me again.

Rolling my eyes, I duck under his fist and then twist so that I can smack my bat into the back of his knee. He cries out and crashes down on one knee while I straighten. Before he can recover, I bring the bat down across his shoulder blades, making him collapse to the floor.

Behind me, Bull Neck stirs and tries to get off the ground.

I stride over to him and shove him down again with the top of my bat before I grab his arm and twist it up behind him.

A shrill cry of pain rips from his throat.

“Why are you screaming?” I say, frowning down at him. “I haven’t even started breaking your arm yet.”

His cry turns into a whimper. “Please.”

“Now we’re finally getting somewhere. Like I said, I’m here for Kayla.”

“What do you want with me?” a girl’s terrified voice suddenly cuts through the air.

I snap my gaze up from the whimpering man below me and stare at the source of the voice. A slim brown-haired girl, who can’t be more than eighteen, stares at me with wide brown eyes.

I frown at her. “Who are you?”

“Kayla,” she stammers, still staring at me with fear on her face. “Please don’t hurt my brothers.”


Realization hits me like a shovel to the back of the head.

God fucking damn it. That little menace sent me to the wrong fucking address.

I draw in a deep breath through my nose to calm the irritation that flashes through me. Then I release my grip on Bull Neck’s arm and straighten.

“Ah,” I say, flashing the girl a smile. “It looks like I have the wrong address.”

She just looks back at me with those wide brown eyes. Her brothers groan and start pushing themselves up to their knees.

After drawing a hand through my hair, I spin the bat around and rest it on my shoulder instead.

“Sorry for the intrusion.” I raise my free hand to my forehead and give them a casual salute. “You all have a good day now.”

And with that, I turn around and stroll back out into the corridor. While still resting my new bat on my shoulder, I pull out my phone and call Trent Ashford.

“Mr. Ashford,” I say when he picks up. “It seems as though there must be a typo or something in the address that your daughter gave me. Could I trouble you for her proper address?”

Trent Ashford, who knows very well that it wasn’t an accidental typo, apologizes several times and then gives me Kayla’s real address. After we hang up, I type the address into Google Maps and find that it’s nowhere near the apartment building that she sent me to.

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