Page 6 of Redemption Road

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“Does he understand what I’m saying?” Colt asked Mac.

“That seems to be the consensus,” Mac said. “He’s smarter than he lets on.”

Chewy huffed and blew out a sigh.

Colt put his arms beneath Zoe and lifted her, surprised at how slight she was. Lucy held the door open so he could carry her inside.

“I think he’s insulted,” Colt said. “Better bring him inside too so he doesn’t flatten anyone else.”

Chewy whined again, lying down on the floor and putting his paws over his nose in embarrassment.

“Oh,” Mac said, her expression sympathetic. “You hurt his feelings.”

“I’ll make it up to him later,” Colt said. “I think our sleeping beauty is starting to wake up.”

Chapter Three

There were tiny men marching inside Zoe’s head. They weren’t just marching, but they were wearing spiked shoes and digging their heels in every time they did an about-face. She cracked her eyes open and the light was so bright she immediately felt the nausea creep up on her.

“Light,” she croaked. “Make it go away.” The light disappeared.

Maybe she was dead. Maybe she’d just thwarted death by telling the light to go away. Someone was saying her name. She hated that person. Didn’t they know every sound that reached her ears made the spiked shoe-wearing men give her an extra kick for good measure?


“Jerk,” she said, and heard someone chuckle.

“Zoe,” the voice called out again.

And then she had a moment of panic. Maybe she was dead.

“God?” she asked tentatively.

“Gee, Colt,” a familiar voice said. “That’s got to be a record for you. Being called a jerk and God in the span of a few seconds.”

“Happens more than you’d think,” God said. “Zoe, open your eyes for me, honey. I know your head hurts.”

Zoe’s lashes fluttered open, and she braced herself, expecting to see the bright light again. But there was a face leaning over her instead. She had to hand it to God. He was certainly the most beautiful being she’d ever seen in her life. There was a halo of light around his face—he had gilded hair that curled slightly at the ends, a face she could only describe as one kissed by angels, and his eyes were the color of melted chocolate with the slightest golden ring around the edges.

“Beautiful,” she said on a sigh. “But don’t call me honey.”

Was she allowed to tell God that? She wasn’t sure what the protocol in a situation like this was, but she heard him chuckle and figured God had a sense of humor.

“How’s your head?” he asked her.

“Hurts,” she said. “Might throw up.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it,” he said. “I’m going to shine a light in your eyes. Just need to check things out. You hit your head pretty hard.”

“Mmmkay,” she said. “I got a haircut.”

“It looks great,” God said. “Not everyone could pull a haircut like that off.”

“That’s what the lady at the salon said. She has a pantsuit I want. It’ll make me look like a candlestick.”

“What in the Sam Hill is she talking about?” Lucy asked.

“Her brains are a little scrambled,” Mac said. “Is she going to be all right?”

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