Page 127 of Hunger

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I had this small, fragile being in here with me, and it was up to me to protect him. I spread my fingers over my abdomen.

“Your daddy will come for us,” I whispered. “And if he doesn’t, I will get us out of here. I don’t know how yet, but I will.”

Talon had come for me last time even before he knew I was pregnant with his spawn. There’s no way he’d let me go now, even if he believed I’d run away again, that I was part of this thanks to that stupid video.

At least, that’s what I told myself because if I didn’t, I was going to curl up in a ball and start sobbing again.

You have to hang on. Have a little faith.

The door opened and I straightened. It was Esposito, silhouetted against the dim light from the hallway.

I couldn’t make out his expression, but his chin dropped and I could tell he was looking down at where I sat against the wall. “I brought you something to eat.”

My gaze locked on the foil-wrapped sandwich in his hands. “Thank you.”

I came onto my hands and knees and started back to my feet. He watched a second, then with a loud exhale, grabbed my arm, hauling me the rest of the way upright.

“Here.” He thrust the sandwich at me along with a bottle of water.

“Thank you.” I hugged them to my chest, the scent of bread and meat and something Italian making my stomach growl. “Thank you so much. But can I use the restroom first?”

He frowned. “I don’t know.”

“Please,” I said. “I’m hurting here.”

With a muttered curse he pulled his shirt up over his nose, hiding his face, and ushered me into the hall. “C’mon, then.”

I followed him, bringing the food with me, afraid to let it out of my sight. We were in a short hall with four closed doors. If this was a vampire’s lair, it was a small one.

Esposito opened the nearest door, revealing a small bathroom with white tile walls. “Five minutes,” he said, closing behind me.

I put my precious sandwich and water on the counter and hurried to the toilet. That taken care of, I washed up, wishing for a toothbrush or even some toothpaste. Then I gathered up the food and opened the door.

Esposito had the T-shirt pulled up in front of his face again. He didn’t speak, just indicated that I was to proceed him down the hall.

“How long am I going to be here?” I asked as he opened the cellar door.

He eyed me, a deep groove between his thick black eyebrows. “Not long. They don’t want to hang around for more than a night or two. This is too close to Castle Leclerc for them.”

So we hadn’t gone far, which meant we were probably on one of the uninhabited islands near Lilith Island.

He made to close the door, but I stuck out a foot, blocking it. “Wait. Can I have a light?”

“No. Inside.” He gave me a gentle push out of the way.

I shook my head. “Why are you doing this?”

He made a tortured sound. “Look, I’m sorry, all right?”

“Then help me get out of here. I’m Talon’s thrall. You know that, don’t you?” I gestured at my belly. “This is his baby. If you get us out of here, he’ll pay anything you ask.”

His gaze darted around the dark space like he was looking for an answer. He licked his lips and I held my breath.

Then he took a step back. “I can’t.”

My lungs compressed in a crushing disappointment.

The door shut and my fear flooded back, almost worse than before. The walls seemed to close in on me.
