Page 136 of Hunger

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Pascal paled but he managed to curl his lip at me. “What makes you think I came alone?”

“Yeah? Then where are they? Looks like they left you to twist in the wind.”

Brien stepped out of the shadows, dressed like me in a long-sleeved Henley and tactical pants. He kicked the dagger out of Pascal’s hand and scooped it up. “Want me to take over?”


I needed to do this. Needed someone to vent my rage on.

Meanwhile, Pascal’s gaze had shifted to my primus. “Fuck,” he mouthed.

“Yeah,” I told him. “Turns out, I didn’t come alone either.”

On cue, Cain appeared to Brien’s right, his pale hair shining in the moonlight. At my hopeful glance, he shook his head.

“I thought I caught Eden’s scent, but as far as I can tell, there’s no one else on the island.” He considered Pascal with a jaundiced eye. “This prick hasn’t told you anything yet?”

“No.” My patience evaporated. “Talk.” Jerking up the other vampire’s bloody shirt, I screwed the blade deeper into the hole I’d made. “Where’s Eden?”

Brien and Cain came to stand on either side of us. It seemed Pascal had finally grasped the hopelessness of his position because he erupted, fighting to break free of me and Twilight.

I released my switchblade and grabbed his wrists, slamming them to the beach on either side of his hips. “Where…is…she?” I demanded between gritted teeth.

Pascal glared up at me, thin-lipped.

Cain had drifted down to Pascal’s lower body. I heard a couple of muffled, crunching sounds, and our prisoner shrieked in pain. When I glanced over my shoulder, his feet were turned at odd angles from his legs.

Twilight sighed. “You should know I’m not a very patient person. It’s a fault.”

That was the only warning before she sliced her blade across his eye. Blood spurted, leaking down his cheek.

He sucked in a breath, throwing himself from side to side, trying to break free of me. He was strong, but I had a killing fury on my side. I quickly subdued him.

Twilight bared her fangs. “Ready to talk yet, bloodsucker?”

Brien dropped down on Pascal’s other side. “I’d talk if I were you,” he said in a conversational tone. “She’s a former slayer, and she still has this thing about vampires who don’t play nice.”

“Fuck this. Restrain his wrists,” I told Brien.

“Good idea.” He produced a pair of silver handcuffs.

“Give me a minute with him,” I told Twilight.

She released Pascal’s head, and I rolled him onto his side while Brien snapped the handcuffs on him. He hissed as the silver burned his wrists.

Retrieving my switchblade, I nudged Pascal onto his back with my foot. “She’s not kidding about your eyes,” I told him. “But let’s make it more interesting for the sharks, shall we?”

I kicked his legs open and crouched down, ripping the crotch of his pants open with my blade.

Fear tightened Pascal’s face. He glanced down, then back at me. “You sons of bitches,” he spat out.

“Talk.” I tapped his balls with the knife.

Pascal’s lungs heaved. He cursed, then said, “Lemaire has the thrall.”

“Where?” demanded Twilight.

His mouth set. “I don’t know.”
