Page 157 of Hunger

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I started awake, heart slamming in my ears.

The bedroom door opened. “Bad dream?” asked Twilight.

I sat up, took a deep breath. “Yeah.”

“Lights up. Daylight glow,” At her command, the lights brightened. “That better?”

“Yeah. Just give me a minute. What time is it, anyway?”

“A little before four. You’ve been asleep for a couple of hours.”

“It was like I was still in that cellar with Lemaire watching me. But I couldn’t see him.” I drew a jagged breath. “I tried but I just couldn’t.”

“That’s normal,” she said matter-of-factly. “You’re processing what happened. There were vampires I saw in my dreams for years.”


“I was trained to compartmentalize the bad stuff, but it still bothered me.”

I fingered the duvet. “Does it get better?”

“Yeah. And if it doesn’t, we’ll find you a therapist to talk it over with.”

“Thanks.” I heaved a sigh. “It helps, knowing I’m not the only one.”

“You’re not, trust me. So don’t feel bad, okay?”

I nodded and pushed the duvet down. “I’ll be right back.”

“You have to pee?”

“Yeah, but I can do it myself.” I swung my legs to the floor.

“I’ll just go along with you to make sure.” She stayed close, rolling the IV stand across the room for me, then after making sure I was okay, left me alone in the washroom. When I was finished, she helped me back into bed again.

I sat up against the headboard. “Talon will be back soon, right?”

“I think so. I haven’t heard from them.”

“I think I’ll stay up until then.”

“Want some company?”

“Sure. But could you get my sewing box first? It’s in the closet in the garden suite. And bring the blue shirt on top, okay? I just want to do something…normal, you know?”

She nodded and left, a short time later. She handed me the sewing box but kept the tiny blue tee, examining the white shark appliqué pinned to the front. “You made this for your baby?”

“Yep.” I rooted through the sewing box for white thread, careful not to dislodge the switchblade from its hiding place, even if I was pretty sure Twilight wouldn’t care if she saw it. “I cut it down from an old T-shirt of Talon’s. He doesn’t know, by the way—it’s a surprise.”

“I won’t tell him,” she promised. “But wow, this is really good. Are you selling these?”

“I’d like to.” I hesitated, then added in a rush, “When the baby’s older, I want to start an online business.”

“You totally should.” She passed me the little shirt. “Want some help? I can take photos and we can put them up on Instagram. My last cover as a slayer, I was an influencer with over a million followers.”

“Are you kidding?”

“True story. I kinda miss it, actually.”
