Page 159 of Hunger

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“That’s how Talon looks at you.”

I shook my head. “It’s not the same thing.”

“Sure looks like it to me.”

“We’re not mated.”

“Yet,” she said.

I dug my teeth into my lower lip. I was still getting used to the fact that he loved me. I hadn’t even said it back. “He won’t mate with a human.”

“Then ask him to turn you.”

I just stared at her. I’d thought about it, of course. But hearing someone speak it aloud made it real, in a way that was scary and exciting at the same time.

Twilight made humming sound, clearly reading my emotions. “You want it, I can tell.”

“I do and I don’t,” I admitted. “It’s a big step, you know?”

“I always wanted it,” she said with a far-off look. “But you don’t have to become a vampire. You could become a dhampir, too.”

Like the baby.

But more importantly, I could be with Talon for hundreds of years. He was young for a vampire. Stay a human, and I’d die centuries before him. If we weren’t mates, he’d move on eventually. Find a true mate.

Something primal and possessive sprouted teeth and claws.

No fucking way. He’s mine.

“Think about it,” Twilight said.

“I will.” I closed the sewing box and put it on the nightstand, the T-shirt on top of it.

We kept talking clothes, and I told her about how I repaired vintage clothing, too. It turned out that Twilight had been a stylist in one of her other lives.

“It was all part of my cover as an influencer,” she told me. “I liked it, you know—putting outfits together for other people. Maybe you could even let me help. Or we can go thrifting together.”

“You’re officially my best friend,” I said fervently, and we grinned at each other.

Her phone buzzed. “It’s Smythe,” she said, glancing at the screen. “He says Brien’s been trying to reach me. He has a message. He wants to give it to me personally. I’ll be right back.”

She left the bedroom. I heard the apartment door open, and her voice as she stepped into the hall. Then everything went silent.

My nape tightened. Something seemed off.

The door. I hadn’t heard it shut.

“Twilight?” I slid my hand into the sewing box, closing my fingers around the switchblade. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah,” she called back. “Go to sleep. I’ll be right back.”

Fear tripped up my spine. Why was she telling me to go back to sleep when I’d clearly told her I wanted to stay up? And wasn’t she supposed to stay with me until Talon came back?

I couldn’t go into the living room with a knife in my hand, though, so I stuck it into the back of my panties as the apartment door closed with a thud. I opened my mouth to say something, then shut it again, swinging my feet to the floor.

The damn IV tugged at me. I slid the needle from my forearm and pressed a tissue to the small wound before creeping forward to peek around the door frame.

In the living room, a man I’d never seen held a wicked-looking silver blade to Twilight’s throat. Blood seeped from a small hole in her shirt where he must’ve stabbed her first.
