Page 44 of Hunger

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Although at that moment, I was having trouble remembering—or caring—why the hell they mattered.

Somehow, I managed to stick to the plan. Sliding my fingers back into her panties, I teased her sex until she was flushed and writhing and sobbing with need. “Please, please, please. Let me come. I’m so close…”

Then I stopped.

She blinked up at me, breath coming in short huffs, pelvis still moving in that hungry way. I licked her juices from my fingers, then untangled her hands from around my neck and moved her to the couch beside me.

Dragging my boxers and pants off along with my shoes and socks, I took my cock in hand and reclined against the couch arm. “Watch me.”

Her gaze jumped dazedly from my dick to my face. “What—?”

“That’s your punishment. You don’t get to come. But you have to watch.”

I fisted my heated flesh and began stroking myself. A slow, hard glide.

She made a small moan, but she focused on my lap as I began working myself.

It was a special kind of hell, making her watch, that ripe body half-naked and flushed with desire, knowing I wasn’t going to finish inside her. My whole lower body throbbed with a painful pleasure. Hating me for not bending her over the couch and taking her, hard and dirty.

Stunned understanding dawned on her face. “Talon. Please. Don’t...”

I gazed back steadily. “No.”

She licked her lips, arousal and confusion radiating off her, but she couldn’t take her gaze off what I was doing. Her hand inched toward her panties.

I growled. “Hands behind your head. Now.”

She stared at me so long, I thought she wasn’t going to obey, but she did it. Maybe she thought I’d relent if she complied. Her back arched against the couch, the nipples tight and red.

“Good girl.” I pulled harder, squeezing and twisting, my balls close to exploding. “Don’t move. You’re going to stay there until I finish.”

She groaned, irritated now. “Why are you being such a dick?”

My hand didn’t stop. “Because.”

Her fingers flexing on her head. “Please. I’m so…”

“Don’t. Move.”

She shook her head, eyes closed tight.

“And keep those eyes on me, or we’ll do this every night for a week.”

Her chest heaved. Her eyes blazed at me through slit lids.

Her knees had fallen apart and I could smell her, see how soaked her panties were. She was as turned on as I was.


I hoped she was in pain. Hungry. Itchy. Needy.

I wanted her to hurt. To want like I did.

How many nights had I jerked myself off since she’d left, picturing her face and those round, creamy tits? Too damn many, that’s for sure.

I squeezed harder, faster. “Like what you see, baby?”
