Page 50 of Hunger

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I heaved a breath. “Yes, the baby’s a dhampir. Talon’s.”

“But why did you leave, then?”


“Why?” She puffed up, a mama bear ready to defend her cub. “Is he giving you trouble about it?”

“No. I mean, not because of the baby. Actually, he seems okay with it.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“Don’t ask. Please? It’s syndicate business. And don’t blame Talon. I messed up and it’s up to me to fix things.”

She stared at me, her eyes moving between mine. “What d’you mean, you messed up? And don’t give me that “syndicate business” crap. You’re my daughter and I want to know what’s going on.”

The doorknob turned and we both started like we’d been caught doing something wrong.

Mr. Jones poked his head inside the room, his bushy brows lowered. “Time to go, Miss. The lieutenant said to bring you straight back.”

“I’ll be right there,” I told him, and he withdrew, leaving the door ajar.

I gave my mom a last, hard hug. “I love you, Mom.”

I tried to step back, but she hung on. “Wait. What am I going to tell your father? He’s been so worried. We both were. In fact, he’s in Halifax right now trying to find out what happened to you.”

Guilt fisted my lungs. “I’m sorry. I told you I’d be out of contact for a while.”

Which was a lame excuse, and I knew it—and my mom called me on it. “What did you expect? You just disappeared. One text, and you were gone.”

“I’m sorry,” I said again. “But tell Dad I’m all right. Because I am. Really.”

Was I protesting too much? Probably.

“I don’t like this.” Mom released me, shaking her head. “And to be honest, I don’t know if I can stop him from coming up to the castle.”

My stomach bottomed out. This was what I’d been trying to prevent. The last thing I wanted was my parents involved in this.

“No!” I blurted. “You have to stop him. If he shows up, he’ll just make things worse for me.”

She put her hands on her hips. “What aren’t you telling me?”

That I spied on the syndicate and I’m under house arrest until Talon decides I’ve been punished enough.

Yeah, that would go over real good.

“Please.” I edged toward the door. “Just let it go for now, okay? I promise I’ll visit as soon as I can. Just...give me a little time to work things out with Talon. I’m not in any danger—I mean I’m pregnant with his spawn, after all. He’s not going to hurt me.”

“Fine,” she said, tight-lipped. “But you tell Talon that if anything happens to you—anything at all—we will tear this damn island apart and take our story to the world. They won’t be able to hush us up like they did Gwen’s family.” Gwen was the thrall Jules Leclerc had murdered in a fit of blood-madness.

I nodded several times. “I will,” I lied.

“I mean it, Eden Montgomery.” She grabbed my arm, determination in every line of her body. “You tell him, or I will.”

Mr. Jones opened the door again, preventing me from making my mom any promises. “Time to go,” he said firmly. “I should have had you back already.”

“Coming,” I said and brushed my lips over my mom’s soft cheek. “I love you, and everything’s going to be all right. Promise. Give Dad my love, too, okay?”

“Wait!” She gripped my hand. “When are you due?”
