Page 70 of Hunger

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He considered me. “This really means a lot to you, doesn’t it?”


“Fine. Give me the details and I’ll have Smythe—that’s Brien’s new PA—set up an account for Rio and transfer the money.”

“You will?” I broke into a smile. “Thank you. It will mean so much to him.”

And then somehow, I had my back to the wall with Talon so close that when I took a breath, my nipples in the black knit dress dragged over his suitcoat.

He put a hand next to my head. “What about you, Eden? How much does it mean to you?”

A hot shiver went over me. “A lot.”

“So you’d say you owe me?”

Oh, God. At his dark tone, my panties went from damp to soaked. Without taking my gaze from his, I dipped my chin in assent.

“Good. Because you’ll be paying me back.”

“I will?”

“Yeah. With interest.” He nuzzled my neck. “But I have to leave—work.”

My head fell back against the wall. “Are you coming back?”


Don’t beg. Don’t beg.

But the words spilled out. I’d missed him, and I was lonely. I knew I’d gotten off easy, but the isolation was getting to me. And I was so turned on, craving sex…but also more of Talon, even if I knew I’d feel empty after.

“Please?” Sliding my hand between us, I gave his erection a suggestive squeeze. “Just for a little while.”

He briefly closed his eyes and I thought he was going to give in, but instead, he took my hand and moved it back to my side. “You need your sleep.”

“You could wake me up.”

“It wouldn’t be for hours. I have things to do.”

Things. Which probably included another thrall.

I turned my head, giving him my profile. “Got it.”

He drew a harsh breath. “Fuck this,” he said under his breath, and palmed my cheek, turning my face toward his.

His mouth came down on mine. His body pushed me into the rough stone, his hips grinding into mine.

When he broke the kiss, all I could do was swallow. Twice.

In the flickering torchlight, Talon’s face was all shadows and gold. “Get some sleep, Eden. You’re going to need it.”



When my mother sent a text saying she needed to see me ASAP, I was in my office in the war room, catching up on work. My first thought was that she’d hurt herself. It wouldn’t be the first time. Last year she’d spiraled into a whiskey-fueled depression and broken an arm, and a few years ago, she’d tripped on the stairs, also while drunk, and knocked out a couple of teeth.

