Page 89 of Hunger

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There was no earthly reason Talon would open my sewing box, but I grabbed a folded sweater and put it on the shelf in front of the box to hide it. Then I shut the closet door and crossed to the bathroom.

Why would Mrs. Park give me a switchblade? I didn’t even know the woman. Plus, she was Twilight’s grandmother—wasn’t she on their side?

I dug the heels of my palms into my eyes, breathing noisily in and out. Calm down, damn it. Talon’s going to wonder why you’re upset.

I splashed cold water on my face and wiped it off. Then I stilled, the towel in my hands. Because the real question was why did Mrs. Park think I needed a weapon in the first place?



Fifteen minutes passed and Eden still hadn’t shown up. When I found myself glancing at the door for the sixth or seventh time, I closed my laptop and strolled around the corner to her suite.

She was just coming out of her bathroom. She started and pressed a hand to her chest. “Talon. I didn’t hear you come in.”

I could hear her heart pounding from across the room. I crossed to her in two long strides. “Everything okay?”

Her eyes jittered sideways. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

“No reason.” I rubbed her shoulders, instinctively trying to calm her. “I didn’t mean to startle you, that’s all. I was wondering where you were. It’s been a while since I texted.”

“Oh—sorry.” She made a face. “Rio was here and we watched a movie, and I was cleaning up.”

“Okay.” I continued massaging her shoulders, drinking her in, all pink-cheeked and soft-mouthed, her fuzzy sweater the same sky-blue as her eyes.

She sighed and rested her forehead against my chest. “That feels so good. Can you do it a little harder?”

At her breathy, suggestive words, my groin tightened. “Sure, babe.”

I increased the pressure, focusing on the areas of tension, until she stepped back with a murmured thanks.

“I love sewing,” she said, rolling her head from side to side, “but it’s kinda like working on a computer—tough on your neck and shoulders.”

“Sit with me.” I took her hand and guided her to the couch. “You were sewing?”

“Yeah, before the movie.”

When we were settled on the couch, I stretched an arm along the back, smoothing my free hand over her abdomen. “How are you feeling?”

These days not even the loose, oversized sweater could hide the fact that she was round with my spawn. Something primitive in me loved that others could see it; would know I was the man who’d put a baby in there. It meant Eden was mine, and not just because of the blood bond.

“Good. I have so much more energy now that I’m not working so much.”

She curled into me, idly stroking my chest. My stomach muscles knotted, then eased. Before she’d left, she used to caress me like that sometimes—and I’d missed it. Setting aside all the reasons I shouldn’t let myself get too close to Eden, I kissed her temple, steeping myself in her warm, sugar-cookie scent.

She snuggled deeper into me. “Rio wanted to know what we’re going to name the baby.”

“Name the baby?” I repeated. Somehow, I hadn’t gotten that far in my thinking.

She nodded against my shoulder. “I like Talon myself. Do you want his last name to be Esposito?”

“No,” I said firmly. “I want him to have his own name. And especially no to Esposito. That name means nothing to me.”

A short silence. “Because you’re a vampire?”

“No. Because Esposito’s a shitty father.”

“Oh.” I sensed her looking at me. “So you and your dad aren’t—?”
