Page 96 of Hunger

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Just thinking about what the dhampir might’ve done if he’d realized I was pregnant with Talon’s baby sent an icy prickle up my spine.

“You didn’t want Talon to find out, did you?” When I made a noncommittal sound, Twilight let out a surprised huff. “You’re in love with him. That’s what this was about.”

My chest compressed at hearing her say it out loud. It was my secret, my self-respect. “No, I’m not. I’m from the island, remember? I know better than to fall in—”

“You do love him.” When I sputtered a denial, she held up a hand. “Vampire,” she said, pointing to herself. “I can sense a lie now.”

My shoulders sagged. The hope I’d been feeling collapsed like a torn balloon as I relived what I’d overheard Talon telling Cain.

“So what if I do? It’s not like he cares.” Bitterness leaked into my voice, but hell, it was the truth. “He wants a vampire mate. Someone powerful. Someone who will increase his standing in the vampire world. Not a human—especially a thrall who was only in it for the money.”

Twilight’s brows climbed. “He told you that?”

“Not straight out.” I white-knuckled the mug. Six months later, and it still hurt like a knife to the heart. “But he said it. He was talking to Cain—he didn’t know I could hear him.”

Her brow furrowed. “That doesn’t sound like Talon. He’s not power-hungry.”

“Yeah? Cain was talking about this pact they’d made to mate with a vampire or nobody, especially a human. And Talon said, ‘Eden’s a thrall, nothing more. And the last thing I want is to sire a dhampir. I want a pureblood spawn, same as you.’” My mouth pulled sideways. “And to put the cherry on the fucking sundae, I’d just found out I was pregnant.”

“Jesus.” Twilight ran a hand down her braid. “I’m sorry.”

She pitied me. My stomach knotted with humiliation.

I put the mug down on the bar—loudly. Angry at myself for telling her so much. Angry at her for dragging it out of me.

“Look, I apologized to you. Wasn’t that enough? Why are you here, really?”

She gazed back steadily. “Because I think you need a friend.”

I made a scornful sound. “And you’re it?”

“I’m the best you’ve got. Unless you count Rio, who I’ve gotta admit is awesome.”

Despite my turmoil, that got me right in my proud big-sister heart. “He is,” I muttered.

“You’re thinking I feel sorry for you,” she said. “Which has to be hard as fuck, especially when it’s me.” When I stiffened, she added, “And no, I’m not reading your emotions—it’s what I’d think if I were you. We’re not that different, you know.”

“Yeah, right. You’re a former slayer who’s now a vampire, and I’m the thrall who spied on you for your mate’s enemies. We have so much in common.”

She leveled a look at me. “I thought we were friends. Was it all an act?”

I was tempted to lie and say yeah, it had been. But she’d know it was a lie, and why was I pushing her away, anyhow? I needed all the friends I could get.

“No,” I admitted. “I liked—like—you too. Spying on you like that—it’s not me. I got sucked in, and then I was fucked. I still feel dirty.”

“Well, don’t,” she said. “Just focus on the fact that you’re free of that slimy little reptile.”

“I will,” I said. “Hearing that from you helps. Even knowing I wasn’t the only one he blackmailed helps.”

“You weren’t. And there might’ve been others we don’t know about.”

I nodded, processing that. The guilt and shame that had been weighing me down eased. I felt better, lighter.

“And you’re right,” I told her. “I could use a friend—and not just because you’re the prima.”

Twilight’s lips twitched. “See, that’s why I like you. You’re honest.”

I replayed what I’d said and gave a rueful smile. “Maybe a little too honest.”
