Page 101 of Never Been Tamed

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“I mean, I know you guys don’t really need it.” Elise says loudly. “Seeing as you bang all the time, but maybe for the honeymoon?”

“Elise.” Zara hisses at her and her face is flushed. We can both see my grandmother a few feet away, staring at us in disgust. “Really?”

“What? Are you going to pretend that he wasn’t inside of?—.”

I’m about to step forward and tell Elise off when Lila taps me on the shoulder and leans in. "You can ignore her, you know. We all do."

I stare down at Lila in surprise. "I don't want to be rude but I feel like I need to say something," I’m pissed and I am sure Lila can tell.

"Oh, trust me. Now that you're marrying Zara, you're going to have to be rude to Elise if you ever want her to shut up, or I guess get her a TV deal." She laughs. "And if you're getting people deals, let me know if you know Steven Spielberg or Christopher Nolan because..."

"Because you're an actress looking for a role, right?"

"Yeah," she says. "But I wouldn't actually want you to get me in the door that way."

"You wouldn't?" I ask her in surprise.

"No. If I'm talented, I'll make it by myself.' She looks hopeful. "And I think I'm an okay actress, and Zara tells me all the time that I'm a great actress. I mean I know your best friend telling you you're a great actress is akin to your mother telling you you're really pretty, even if you're a dog. But..." She pauses. "Sorry, am I talking too much?"

"Not at all."

I can feel myself warming to Lila. I can see why she and Zara are best friends. They've both got that quirky, self-deprecating, sarcastic sense of humor.

"I'm sure you will definitely make it."

"Thanks," she says, nodding her head. "Is there food at this party? I'm kind of hungry."

"Yeah, of course. Who else is hungry?" I look down at Luke and Charlotte.

"I'm hungry for ice cream," Charlotte says, and Elise just sighs.

"Darling, you can't always eat ice cream. What about Brussels sprouts or spinach or..."

"I don't want Brussels sprouts," Charlotte says, her lower lip quivering.

"Me either." Luke stomps his foot in anger. "I want ice cream and french fries and cheeseburgers. Aunty Zara, can we?"

"It's okay, Luke, you don't have to eat Brussels sprouts," Zara says, ruffling the top of his head. "Elise, let them just enjoy some junk food today."

"Well, if they want to stay skinny, they're going to have to start watching what they eat."

"They're kids Elise." Zara glared at her sister and Elise just shrugs.

"I'm just saying if they hit teenage years or older and they start getting chubby, it's not my fault."

I press my lips together. I really want to go off on Elise and tell her off worse than I've told off anyone in a really long time.

Lila gives me a look. "It's not worth it," she whispers. I frown for a second and she leans closer to my ear. "I know you can see what I see. Elise is a bitch, but she's Zara's sister and Zara loves her."

She pulls back slightly, a look of knowing in her eyes and I nod slightly. I understand what she means.

"Just have to wait for her to have had enough," Lila whispers and nods over to Elise and Zara.

Zara grabs the kid's hands. "Come on, let's go and get some cookies." She looks over at me. "Do you mind?”

"It's fine," I say. "We've got plenty of time." I smile at her. "Plus, it will give me more time to get to know Lila."

"Okay," she says, and I can tell she's not sure if that's a good idea. I'm not sure if that's a good idea either.
