Page 102 of Never Been Tamed

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"I'll be back," Elise says, holding her head high. "I see a very handsome silver fox in the corner," she says, pointing towards the mayor and I try to stifle a groan. "If he's single..." She pauses and grins. "Who am I kidding? Even if he's not single, I'm going to get that man's number."

Lila and I both watch her head over to the other side of the room. "So you haven't changed your mind," Lila asks with a warm smile.

"Changed my mind about what?" I ask her.

"About marrying Zara," she says.

"No. Why would I have changed my mind?"

"I don't know. Because her sister's crazy and she most probably will always have an active interest in her, Charlotte, and Luke’s lives. And just wait until you meet her parents." She rolls her eyes. "Trust me when I say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"And I'm guessing that apple is Elise?"

Lila grins. "I'm not trying to speak badly about them or anything, but I want you to be prepared. I mean, I know that you love my best friend, but I also know that you don't really know her that well. And I know when people rush into these things, sometimes love isn't enough."

I nod solemnly, my heart sinking. Zara was right. Lila had bought this entire thing hook, line and sinker. I feel a huge amount of guilt as I stare at her and nod. I also realize that part of the reason I’m upset is because I want this to be real.

"Zara's family will not cause me to change my mind about the way I feel about her."

"Good," Lila says softly. "I'm glad to hear that."

"Well, I'm glad you're glad to hear that. So is there anything else you want to tell me about Zara?"

"There's so much you need to know," she says. "I bet you don't really know anything."

"That's true. Do you think that I was rash rushing into this engagement?" I tilt my head to the side because I'm curious to see what she thinks. Even though this engagement isn't actually real, I wonder if Zara's best friend even likes me.

"I think it's amazing," she says. "You guys are perfect for each other."

"We are?" I ask her in surprise.

"Yeah, you're both a little bit broken. You're both completely and utterly in love with each other."

"You think?" I say, not knowing what else to say.

"Zara's had a lot of hurt in her life. I mean, she's had a lot of laughter as well, but..." She pauses and blinks. "Did she tell you about Sandra?"

"No. I can't say I've ever heard of her. Why?"

"Oh, nothing." Lila swallows and looks around. I can tell she's trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"Is there something I should know?"

"No," she says and then her eyes look up at mine. "I mean, when Zara is ready to tell you, I'm sure she will."

I stare at Lila for a couple of moments. "Tell me what?"

"It's not a big deal. She didn't murder anyone or steal from anyone or do anything crazy. It's not my place to say anything, but..." She pauses and I frown.

“What is it Lila?”

“I shouldn’t say, but Zara doesn’t really like talking about it, but I think it’s important for you to know something. To really understand her.” Lila chews on her lip. “You really do love her, right?”

“I do. More than I ever thought was possible.”

“I thought so.” She nods. “I will tell you, but please don’t tell her you know.”

“I promise.” I’m scared about what’s she’s going to tell me. “Was she in love with someone else?” My voice cracks. “Did he break her heart?” I can hear the tinge of jealousy in my tone.
