Page 107 of Never Been Tamed

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"You were thinking about how much you love me, weren't you?"

"How do you know that, Mr. Pruitt?"

"Maybe because I was thinking about how much I love you as well." He grins and kisses the side of my face. “And I was thinking about how I can’t wait until I can make you Mrs. Pruitt.”

"Well, what do you know?" I say. "Maybe we're both psychic, after all.”

"Talking about psychics." He leans back against the pillow, and I see a thoughtful expression cross his face as he relaxes.

"What? Don't tell me you want us to go to a psychic for a reading.”

"No," he says quickly, shaking his head. "I'm not into things like that. But do you want to know something weird?"

"Always," I say, nodding, gazing up him with love in my heart, loving the way that he was staring at me, loving the way he made me feel.

"I do believe that Maisy is a lot more intuitive than I gave her credit for.”

“What do you mean?"

"She knew that we weren't really engaged and she knew that I loved you."

My jaw drops. “Wow, so do you think she really is clairvoyant? Do you really think she has powers?"

"No, of course not," he says, shaking his head. "Don't be silly." He pauses as my eyes widen and I glare at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to call you silly."

"You hurt my feelings," I say, pouting slightly and blinking. I look down and rub my eyes and pretend like I'm going to cry.

“Oh shit, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that, Zara. I just..." I look at him and start laughing.


“Zara, don't do that to me. I thought I really hurt you, and that's the last thing I want to do."

"You didn't hurt me. I understand that you don't believe in psychics. I mean, I don't know if I necessarily believe in them myself, but how else would she have known that we weren't really engaged? Even Lila bought it." I stare at him. “Talking of which, I don't know how I'm going to tell Lila today that it's not true. I don't want to break her heart. I don't want her to think that she can't trust me."

"I think that you will be surprised at how loving she is and how forgiving she will be toward you."

"You didn't tell her already, did you?" I ask him suspiciously. "Jackson Pruitt, did you tell my best friend that this was all a fraud after you told me I couldn't tell her?"

"Of course not. I wouldn't do such a thing. But you know she and I spoke at the party and," his voice lowers, "I like her a lot. I know why she's your best friend, and I'm really glad that you guys have each other. It's really important to have a special person in your life that you can trust and love."

"I know," I say. "That's Ethan for you, right?"

He nods slowly. "Yeah." He looks over at the wall and for a couple of moments, he's silent. I can feel that his body has stiffened slightly, and I know he's deep in thought about something that's upsetting him.

"What is it?" I say, grabbing his arm. "Is everything okay?"

"It's fine," he says. "I just..."

"It's your parents, huh?"

He looks over at me with bleak eyes and nods slowly. "It's weird," he says, "because I'm quite literally the happiest I've ever been in my life. I've never felt anything like this before. The love I feel for you is so special. It's so grand. It's so great. And yet, there's a tiny part of me..."

"That feels sad?" I say.

He nods slowly. "Yeah. I really thought that my dad changed. I really thought that he wanted to make amends and rebuild our relationship but," he frowns, "he doesn't give a shit."

"Maybe he does. Maybe..."
