Page 102 of Brutal Ambition

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“Nice.” He nods, letting me see him look me over. I’m about to look around for an excuse to get away when one finds me.

A strong arm settles around my shoulder and pulls me close, and I hear a familiar voice say, “What do you want to do for our date?”

I turn my head to look up at Ryan McDermott, Killian’s friend who gave me a ride from school the other day. I’m not sure if he’s a Blue Blood. I assumed he was when Killian told me he was picking me up, but since I haven’t seen him involved in any of the illegal escapades I’ve witnessed or taken part in with them, maybe he really is just a friend of Killian’s.

Ryan doesn’t seem like a Blue Blood to me. From what little I’ve seen of him, he seems to give off the impression of being your better-than-average, clean-cut all-American boy. We talked a bit in the car, and he told me he’s a California boy—though to be honest, he didn’t need to tell me. I can tell by looking at him.

He’s well-built, though, that’s for sure. His T-shirt fits snug over his well-worked biceps. He’s tall and lean, with broad shoulders and a square jaw. He doesn’t look like a guy who gets into fights, but he doesn’t look like a guy you’d want to fight, either.

And Sleepy Dude confirms that impression for me when he takes one look at Ryan’s arm wrapped possessively around me, nods, and turns to go find another girl to talk to.

Ryan drops his arm as soon as the guy’s gone.

“Thanks,” I say, flashing him a smile. “Guys are taking this auction way more seriously than I expected them to. You’d think they’re bidding on actual dates with me.”

“They are,” Ryan says, casually grabbing my wrist and leading me through the crowd until he finds a corner free of people. “Why the hell did you agree to this?”

My eyes widen. “I… I don’t know. I wanted to help. What do you mean, they are? Sloane said they’re not really dates.”

“The Zetas do a date auction every year. Not usually under these circumstances, obviously, but it’s a regular event on their social calendar.” He holds up his program bent so the page with all our pictures is facing out. “This is basically an advertisement of who’s available. Your picture on this page tells every guy looking to bag himself a Zeta that you are one, and you’re up for grabs.”

My jaw unhinges, and I can’t even find words.

“Don’t listen to Sloane,” he says, shaking his head. “She’s not going to like you.”

If he hit me with a feather, I’d fall over. “Why? Until this stupid event, I’ve never even met her.”

“There you are.”

I’m still too stunned to hide it, but when Addison stops in front of me, I look over at her. “Does Sloane not like me?”

“Oh. I…” She looks at Ryan uncertainly.

“I shouldn’t have said that,” he says, shaking his head. “But you need to know not to listen to her. Anything she tries to rope you into, just assume she doesn’t have your best interest in mind.”

“Didn’t she tell you to bid on me tonight so I wouldn’t have to worry about other guys bidding on me anyway?”

“The opening bid doesn’t matter. I’m just kicking things off. And with the interest you’re getting, it’s going to be a bloodbath. Think of this auction as guys throwing their ceremonial hats in the ring.”


I don’t know what to say. I feel like the rug has been pulled right out from under me.

“It doesn’t matter,” Addison says, shaking her head. “If things get too heated, I’ll jump out of line and bid on you myself. I won’t let you get roped into a date with any of these handsy pervs.”

I try to force a smile, but honestly, I feel sick to my stomach.

Not seeming to read the room, Vanessa rushes over to us with a bright smile. “Hey, babes!”

I bolster what’s left of the fake smile I gave Addison, but she doesn’t even notice. Her attention only brushed past us to land on Ryan.

“Is Dare here?” she asks him, bright-eyed and hopeful.

“No,” he says flatly.

Her smile dims slightly. “Is he—He’s coming, though, right?”

Sighing tiredly, he looks over at her. “Why would he come to this?”

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