Page 123 of The Runaway

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“It’s wonderful to finally meet you, Penelope.”

“Pepper.” I offer a wide smile.

Carly Smith from Channel One News scrunches her face but quickly smiles back. “Right. Pepper.” She stretches the ‘r’ as she glances at Troy, who’s sitting in the chair beside me.

“So let’s talk wedding planning. Is the big day still next Sunday?”

“That’s right, Carly. Six days and counting. We’re keeping it small so we don’t overwhelm my bride again with a massive guest list.”

I smack his leg. “That’s right, dear. You know I hate big crowds. Being from a small town an’ all.”

I smirk at the sight of Troy’s jaw tightening and turn away from his glare.

“Small town? I…thought you were from New York? Upper East Side, like Troy?”

I laugh. “Oh Lord no. I hate Manhattan. I’m just a small-town girl from Colorado.”

“That so? Where exactly?”

“Hideaway Springs. You wouldn’t know it unless you followed the news about eight years ago when my father was convicted of fraud.”

“Pepper,” Troy grits. “I’m sorry, could we cut please? And could you cut that last part out?”

Carly’s brows lift. “This is my show,” she says through a tight smile.

“How would you like to keep it?” he retorts.

“Cut. We’ll edit Penelope’s last comment.” She stands and leaves us, muttering something about politicians.

“Pepper, what are you doing? You can’t tell people that.”

“Why not? Are you embarrassed by me?”

“No. But it’s not exactly the image we want.”

“I agreed to be your wife as long as I can be honest about where I come from.”

“No. Your clause was a promise to be honest. You said so yourself.”

“Actually, sweetheart, it said both parties agree to maintain honest and transparent communication, including relevant information and shall not…” I put my finger on my chin remembering the exact words. “Conceal important information from the date this agreement is signed to its end date.”

He glares at me. “Fine. You win. But for your family’s sake, maybe leave out his indiscretions. Let the man rest in peace.”

“Fine,” I agree. But the seed is planted. Any of his opposing candidates will get a hold of that recording and it’s all he’ll need to end this.

He grips my arm. “Also. Don’t fuck with me again. I will turn the table on you with your own game, Pepper.”

Carly marches back into the room with the crew and claps her hands. “Okay, shall we continue?”

“Please,” Troy says.

“Wonderful, so tell us more about the wedding. I hear it’s going to be in Central Park?”

“Oh, no, Carly. That’s part of the reason we’re keeping it small. The wedding will be in Pepper’s hometown. Hideaway Springs.”

“What?” I snap.
