Page 17 of The Runaway

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“Pepper Woods. Back in our neck of the woods. Good to see you. What’s…new?”

She glances down at the remote he’s clutching and snatches it playfully. Then points it at the television above the bar. “What were you guys watching?”

The news headline reappears on the screen of a runaway bride in quotes.

Pepper swallows hard and shuts it off, but doesn’t seem overly surprised.

“Pepper, why don’t you have a seat,” Dad says calmly, abandoning her preferred name.

Distant eyes look up and scan each of us wordlessly. Then light up as she finds the coffee machine behind the counter. She points to it. “Do you mind if I…?”

“Be my guest. My waitress is late.”

“Thanks.” She circles the bar, plucks a glass mug from the overhead rack and expertly handles the machine, making herself something dark and foamy.

We all stare at her and she shrugs. “I used to live upstairs. This machine and I got very friendly in those few weeks.”

Dad chuckles “How long you stayin’? You want a job?”

She circles the bar and takes an empty stool, sipping her coffee. “Until they find me.”

My brothers and I exchange glances. Dad gives us all a look and mumbles something about getting Pepper something to eat before disappearing through the kitchen door.

Noah looks up. “Pepper, are you in trouble?”

She shakes her head. “No.”

Noah turns to Levi—as if to indicate ‘your turn’.

“Pepper, Noah’s an attorney. If you’re in trouble, he can—”

“He can’t help me,” she cries then backpedals, taking a deep breath. “I know I have to go back. I just needed to think.”

He nods. “Cold feet. I get it.”

Noah slaps his arm. Then turns back to Pepper. “Why do you have to go back? Shouldn’t you be asking yourself if you want to go back?”

Her eyes darken and mist, which leads both my brothers to turn to me. I shake my head at them. Neither one of these two can handle an emotional female.

“I’m going to go see if Dad needs help,” Levi mutters before hopping off his stool.

When Noah looks like he has another question on his tongue, I shoot him a glare and he holds up a hand as if giving me the floor.

I take Levi’s seat next to Pepper. Her eyes glued to her mug.

“Why here?” I ask quietly.


“Why are you hiding out here?”

“I told you—I just needed time to think. To see if a life as a politician’s wife is the right fit for me.”

“Right—because love is overrated?”


I feel myself losing patience and slide her chair flush against mine.
