Page 78 of Donned in Black

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“No, you don’t, Ellie. You belong in this family. The world is yours. I’ll give you everything,” I say, trying to show her reason. “I’m a boss with good temperament. I’ll last. I’ll protect you. You don’t have to worry about anything anymore. Just raise our son in peace.”

“I can’t.” She starts to head for the front door.

“Ellie, where are you going?” I chase after her. “Ellie.”

She turns on me with fire in her eyes. “Am I free or not, Donny?”

For the first time, my heart feels weak. I’ve been taken for a loop. Never did I expect this day to go like this. Ellie’s always cool and witty, even when she’s sad. This is another side completely. “Don’t leave.”

“Am I free, Donny?”

“Of course you’re free,” I say, and she narrows her eyes at me.

“Yeah right. You’ll tail me to the ends of the world.”

“Only for your protection.”

She scoffs and turns to leave, and I grab her arm.

“Get the fuck off!” she screams.

I calmly hold on. “I’m not letting you run into the woods blindly,” I say as she flails. “Hey, Ellie. Stop. Just listen for a second. Please.”

She’s hysterical, but after several attempts to overpower me ending in failure, she stops. She’s out of breath, tears streaming.

“Ellie. Take a car if you need to ride somewhere to clear your mind. Alright? I’ll give you one in the garage. Take this.” I whip out a wad of five-thousand cash and hand it to her. “Go to the spa, go to a restaurant. Go do whatever you want if you can’t be around me right now.”

She looks me in the eyes, and for the first time, I have no idea what she’s thinking.

“I’m not coming back, Donny.”

I’ve been stabbed and shot… and this hurts worse. The words are a knife through the heart. I don’t understand… after all we’ve been through.

“Ellie, you’re just mad right now.”

“No. I’m thinking clearly for the first time since I’ve been abducted. I need a normal life for this child, so it doesn’t grow up stuck in this all-consuming mafia bubble. Leave me alone.”

I walk out with her silently toward the garage, at a loss.

She’s right. I felt no remorse when I killed Marco. It was justified and I’d do it again. I’ve done worse to better people. It’s who I am at this point. I’ve compromised as much as I’m going to here. If Ellie doesn’t want to see me, fine. But that doesn’t mean I won’t see her.

I open the garage and grab a set of keys from the vault. I step up to Ellie and place the keys in her hand. “The registration is under my name. It’s in the glove compartment. Say I’m your fiancé even if it kills you to do so. Alright?”

She sniffs and nods. Her whole body is trembling. She’s right about one thing. This can’t be good for the baby.

“I love you, Ellie. Come back to me… please.”

She squeezes her eyes tight, and without so much as a goodbye, she stuffs herself into the brand new black BMW five series and pulls out of the driveway as fast as she can.

When she’s out of a sight, I call one of my most trusted men to tail her.

“Keep a close eye, Rocky. But stay far out of sight. Capisce?”

Chapter 26


While driving, I punch the steering wheel and scream as loud as I can. The BMW roars when I slam on the pedal, echoing my fire. Endless rows of trees are on either side of me, and I have no idea where I’m off to. The car has GPS, otherwise Donny wouldn’t have offered it up so willingly.

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