Page 15 of Drowned in Gold

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“Thank you,” I say, staring at Marco, then to the package the size of a tissue box.

“Well, aren’t you going to open it?” Marco eggs, eyeing the guy until he’s sufficiently far enough away, and that restless tension of violence eases back a bit.

“What, did you send me something as some kind of sick reunion present?”

“I’m not that clever.” He pulls out a cigarette.

I start to tear it open, and right inside I glimpse a note that reads:

Forgot to give you your tip.

P.S. I liked your avocado panties. Wish you’d mail me a pair.

My face must be bright red, because my cheeks are swirling with heat.

Oh my God. Fuck. Oh my God.

Marco squints and peeks over, forcing me to whip the box shut.

“Hey! Privacy much?” I scold. “Don’t start with your bullshit, Marco.”

“Is it from that prick with the shaved sides and flop of red hair? He’s no good for you, Gia.”

I gasp, knowing exactly who he’s referencing – my latest Tinder date. Davy. He was pretty boring, but I thought I was at least lively enough for a call back. Guess I wasn’t the problem, after all.

But that’s beside the point. If glares could kill… I’m so angry at Marco I want to strangle him, but little does he know, he just bought me full rights to hide this package and deflect, deflect, deflect.

“You really need to learn to fuck off,” I seethe.

“Mom would be washing your mouth out with soap right now if she heard you.” He takes a long pull of the cigarette, eyes squinted at me.

“What did you say to him, huh? He works at a coffee shop. He’s harmless!”

“Mm.” Marco is unamused. “Didn’t like the way he grabbed your ass in public. Not appropriate. You never know who’s watching.”

At first, I was just playing up how mad I was to throw him off, but now my blood boils for real. He’s never stopped watching me… Always lurking in those damn shadows. “Who do I have to go to, Don Gio? I’ll fucking do it, Marco. I swear!”

He laughs at me, leaning back on the banister. “Go ahead, ask him. I’ll give you his cell number.”

I’m taken aback.

“Tell him how horrible I am for wanting to protect my sister. Go ahead. Do it. You know what? Just because it’s you, I’ll give you my phone to call with. You probably won’t hear anything back, though.” He starts cackling.

Why wouldn’t I—no way. Is he saying the old perv is dead?

“Lightbulb!” he says, mocking me. “Yeah, Gia, he’s been dead. You’re a little late on your intel.”

I’m intrigued now. I had no idea the Valentinos had a new leader. Well, I’ve been away from the family for a while now, and I shut my mom up whenever she tries to give me gossip.

“Want to guess who took over?”

I shrug. “One of his sons?”

“Yeah, the one who killed him.”

My eyes widen.

“The Stallion.” Marco takes another long pull. “The guy’s an arrogant prick, but he runs a right ship. Even got the Rigianos and the Valentinos talking again.”
