Page 27 of Ty

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Harper’s forehead scrunched. She looked like she wanted to say something about how Kelsie was not only in the clubhouse for the first time but hanging with three big guys. Thankfully, she kept her thoughts to herself. Kelsie didn’t need everyone to point out the situation.

“Just coffee?” Liv said, pulling her phone from a tiny purse dangling off her shoulder. “How about I text the rest of the gang, and we have a big ‘ol family breakfast?”

Oh shit. Ty shot his gaze to Kelsie, who wrung her hands at her waist.

“I don’t think—”

“Ty,” Kelsie cut in. “It’s okay. I’ll be okay if…” Her face turned an adorable shade of pink. “Maybe if you sit on one side of me at the table and one of the ladies sits on the other, maybe I’ll be good.”

Jesus fuck, when she looked at him with that combination of nerves and hope in her pretty blue eyes, he was helpless to do anything but give her what she wanted. If she only knew what a weapon she had at her disposal, she could have him robbing banks and knocking off casinos with one look.

“Whatever you need,” he said.

The simple promise had a smile breaking out across her face. It was the first genuine show of happiness he’d seen from her, well, without tequila's aid, and it tightened his insides.

It also made his dick twitch, but he thought about all the work waiting for him at the tire shop to keep that fucker in check. The last thing he needed was to pop a boner in front of his brothers. Jinx would mock him for the rest of his life. He could hear all the dirty-old-man and cradle-robber jokes already.

Hurricane Liv took over, and within forty-five minutes, the entire club had arrived, and preparations for a mountain of food were underway in the kitchen. Kelsie disappeared into the kitchen to help the ladies whip up the feast. Normally, the women didn’t let the men get away with sitting on their asses, even if they sucked at cooking, but today they had a free pass to hang out, probably in deference to Kelsie’s discomfort in their presence. A small kitchen packed with big bikers would be like tossing her into the deep end of the pool with a weight tied around her ankle.

“So…” Jinx sidled over to where Ty sat at a table with his back to the kitchen door as though it was a sufficient barrier to keep him from checking on Kelsie. Jinx carried two fresh cups of coffee. “You and the cute young thang, huh?”

Raising one eyebrow, Ty merely stared at him.

“Black like you like it,” Jinx said, handing over the coffee. “Saw the empty tequila bottle outside and figured you could use as much liquid fuel as you can get your hands on. Though you’re not looking particularly worse for wear today. Could that be because you slept with a cute young thang last night?” He sat in the chair on the opposite side of the table, making the poor piece of furniture creak under his bulk.

“First of all, we didn’t sleep together, as you know. And second, why the fuck do you keep saying thang like that?”

Jinx shrugged. “Because it’s fun. And it pisses you off.” He winked. “Added bonus.”

Ty grunted. Jinx might be annoying, but the man made a good cup of coffee.

“Seriously,” Jinx said before sipping from his mug and sighing. “Damn, that’s good java. What is going on with you two?”

“What the fuck do you mean? Nothing’s going on.”

Jinx merely stared at him with disbelief all over his face.

“Stop looking at me like that. She’s twenty years younger than I am.”


“So, I’m not a fucking pervert.”

That had Jinx laughing his booming laugh that drew the attention of anyone in the vicinity.

“What are you guys talking about?” Tracker asked as he, Spec, and Curly wandered over.

Fucking fantastic. More people to grill him about nonsense.

“We’re talking about the VP wanting to jump Kelsie’s bones.” Jinx hid his smirk behind his coffee mug. Or he tried to, but his head was so damn big it didn’t work.

Ty threw his hand in the air. “For fuck’s sake, I do not want the woman. She’s a goddamned traumatized kid. I feel fucking sorry for her, that’s all,” he shouted.

The room grew deathly quiet as the hairs on the back of his neck stood straight up.

Dread filled his stomach.

He closed his eyes. “Shit,” he whispered. He could hear music to a slow-motion movie scene as he turned his head.
