Page 29 of Ty

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“Okay…” Where was Brooke going with this?

“Initially, this was going to be my role, but as our plans have come to life, I realize I won’t be able to fulfill it. Not with all my other duties, and not if I want to continue my work as a canine trainer, which I plan to do.”

“Are you looking for me to help you find someone?” She had no experience hiring or interviewing anyone.

Brooke chuckled. “No, definitely not. We’ve already found who we want.”

“Oh.” She scrunched her brow. “So, what do you need from me?”

Full-on laughing now, Brooke shook her head. “Girl, we need to work on your self-confidence. It’s you we want! You’re perfect for the job.”

“M-me?” She glanced over one shoulder and the other in case someone stood behind her. Someone else Brooke wanted to offer the job to.

“Yes, you, Kelsie.” Brooke reached across the counter and placed her hand over Kelsie’s. “You’re smart, compassionate, organized, and motivated. Better yet, you can empathize with the women we want to serve. Who better to be here running the place than someone who has been where our clients have been and who came out on the other side stronger?”

“I, um… wow.” She blinked, then laughed. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be a bumbling idiot. I’m literally shocked right now. I thought you would ask me to review resumes or something, not offer me an incredible job.”

Brooke beamed. “You’ll think about it? I don’t expect you to say yes this second or even this week. I’ll email you the salary and benefits package, but I promise they are generous. I know the value of working with good people and plan to compensate you accordingly. Obviously, there are a lot of details to iron out, but we have plenty of time to really flesh out the position.”

Her head spun, her hands began to sweat, and her heart danced an erratic jig in her chest, but for the first time in ages, they weren’t from fear but excited anticipation. “Brooke, I don’t even know what to say. I owe you guys so much. I’d do the job for nothing.”

“Nuh-uh.” Brooke stood and came around the island, gripping Kelsie’s shoulders. “Remember how I started this conversation? There is no obligation or pressure at all. You owe us nothing. We are all so glad we got you out of that hellhole when the guys rescued Brenna. This job offer is just good business sense on my part.”

Her eyes grew misty. “Well, then I absolutely acc—”

“No!” Brooke cut in, shaking her head rapidly. “Don’t answer yet. Read the contract and think it over, then you can tell me what I want to hear.”

“Okay, I’ll do that.” She could barely contain her excitement but managed not to jump up and down and scream like a loon.

“One more thing.” Brooke reached into her back pocket and pulled out a phone. “This is for you.”

What? “Brooke, no, I can’t—”

“It’s not new.”

Kelsie shook her head.

“I upgraded my phone last week, and you need one. Why wouldn’t I give it to you?”

“Uh, because I’m perfectly capable of getting my own phone like any other adult.” She’d had one but threw it across the room and destroyed it after Lorenzo called. The only reason she’d yet to get another was her anxiety over going into a store and possibly having a panic attack.

Brooke waved away her concern. “Consider it a perk of the job if you take it.” She winked. “You’ll need to activate it with a phone number because I transferred mine and wiped this baby.”

She turned the phone over in her hand. It might have been Brooke’s old phone, but it was still a recent model. Plus, it had a sleek purple case that seemed indestructible. Exactly what she needed given the abuse she’d subjected her last phone to. “Thank you,” she said as her throat thickened. The words came out a near whisper.

“You’re very welcome. Can I hug you?”

Everyone was always so careful to obtain her consent before getting too close or touching her in a way she might not want. The simple gesture meant more to her than she could express.

“Of course.” She opened her arms and accepted a hug from Brooke.

“Our stories are different…” Brooke said as she hugged Kelsie tight, “… but I’ve been in a dark place before, and I know trauma. Too well. I understand how hard it is to fight for your happiness. You’re doing an amazing job. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you,” she whispered again. This time, a tear trickled from the corner of her eye.

Clearing her throat, Brooke stepped back. She swiped at her eyes and then gave a watery smile. “I’m gonna head out before we get too weepy. Let me know if you want someone to come with you when you go to get that phone activated. Otherwise, feel free to borrow my car and head there whenever you want. I’ll be working in my office for the next few hours. Spare keys are on the console table in the foyer.”

“I think I’ll just go now if that works,” she stated before she had time to think of all the reasons she couldn’t. She’d been talking herself out of things for the past two months. It was time to take a long leap out of her comfort zone and give Brooke something to really be proud of. Brooke’s faith in her provided the boost she needed to take another step in a positive direction. She could handle a few minutes in a cellular store, even if the employee helping was a man.
