Page 40 of Ty

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“When I woke up, I was back in my cell. I’m pretty sure he… well, again, but I couldn’t be sure. My throat was on fire. I couldn’t talk for two days. I still get some pain sometimes. The doctors said it could be months before I am all the way healed. Well, my throat anyway.” Her mind might never fully recover.

The trauma of being strangled was so awful she didn’t fight the next time, but she wasn’t ready to admit that. At the time, it had seemed a way to protect herself, but now it felt cowardly—as though she’d given up too easily.

He hadn’t spoken in a while, and she felt the weight of his silence thick and awkward between them.

Ty closed the distance between them once again. This time, he took her hands, which she hadn't realized she’d placed against her throat, and drew them down. Then he caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger, which he seemed to love to do, and titled her head back.

“You c-can’t see anything,” she said as shivers intertwined her arms. “The bruises are gon—oh.” She breathed out as he bent forward and brushed his lips over the hollow of her throat.

His breath ghosted over her skin as he moved down her neck and did it again. His lips traveled across her neck and throat in the most gentle presses, finding every spot where ugly purple bruises had lived not long ago.

Her eyes fluttered shut. She blocked out the rest of the world, focusing only on the tingles running through her thanks to Ty’s ministrations.

“Ty,” she said on a breathy exhale as his mouth coasted up her jaw.

He stopped at her ear, tickling the shell with his lips.

Kelsie whimpered.

“I’m going to make him beg for death,” he whispered against her ear.

Her eyes flew open.

“Then I’m going to deny it so I can hear him scream a little longer. And when I finally let him die, he’ll go knowing every ounce of pain he suffered was because he fucking dared to hurt you.”

His raspy voice and the solemn promise full of violent intent should have set her on edge. Instead, it awoke her nerve endings and turned her on. Deep and dark, what he offered made her want him in a way she didn’t understand. She had a brief flash of him coming to her, his hands covered with the blood of the men who’d hurt her and putting those hands all over her.

Sick? Maybe, but she’d come to terms with not being normal long ago. After growing up the way she had and enduring the horrors she did, normal shouldn’t even be in her vocabulary.

“Come with me to the clubhouse.” He still spoke against her ear, and she swore she felt the graze of his teeth on her earlobe. Her legs trembled and threatened to buckle out from under her. “When you close your eyes tonight, you’ll sleep knowing there’s one less monster in the world.”


She’d go anywhere with him.


THE TRIP TO the clubhouse was nothing like the ride to his home. Kelsie didn’t whoop joyfully, and Ty didn’t have to fight a massive hard-on. Nothing killed an erection faster than hearing the woman he wanted describing the trauma she’d endured.

He could taste the vengeance on his tongue, and damn if it wasn’t sweet.

Tension bunched his shoulders. Only the scent of blood would relax him this day. Ty wasn’t a stranger to violence. In his youth, the club he and Curly had prospected with worshiped violence as a religion. He hadn’t wanted that kind of life day in and day out, but he’d committed his share of sins and had no problem doing what needed to be done, especially when it came to protecting those he cared about.

And a man needed to die today.

The soft weight of Kelsie’s chin landed on his knotted shoulder. She held tight around his waist and squeezed her thighs against his. Her warmth bled into his skin, reminding him she was alive, if not fully okay. Her flavor still lingered on his tongue, as did the feel of her pulse fluttering beneath his lips.

That kiss and the way she’d writhed in his lap had nearly done him in. He was a forty-six-year-old man who’d had to fight not to come in his damn jeans. Christ, he wanted her. He wanted to bury himself inside her wet heat and make her come again and again. He wanted her so mindless with pleasure that she’d forget every second of pain she’d experienced in the past. He wanted nothing in her head but the thought, feel, and taste of him.

Today proved he wasn’t strong enough to resist touching her.

He parked next to Curly's bike in front of the clubhouse. As he killed the engine, Brenna came jogging down the clubhouse steps.

“Ty? Lock asked me to keep an eye out for you. What is going on? Oh, Kelsie! I didn’t realize you were with Ty.” Brenna’s eyes lit with curiosity, but she didn’t ask any questions. Yet. Poor Kelsie would probably be grilled the second he left her.

“Where is everyone?” he asked as he turned to unhook Kelsie’s helmet. Sure, she could do it herself, but he wanted an excuse to touch her. Something about it grounded him even as it made him hard again.

“Um…” Brenna tilted her head and bounced her gaze between them before focusing on him. “Lock said you’d know where to find them. And that they’d ‘keep things on ice’ until you got there. What’s going on?”
