Page 65 of Ty

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But he laughed and pulled her in for a quick hug. “My little tiger. Do I have to worry about you trying to claw her eyes out?”

With a snort, Kelsie pulled out of his embrace. “Depends how much of a bitch she is to you.” She started for the door, still wearing only Ty’s T-shirt and her panties.

Ty grabbed his sweatpants and whistled as she passed him. “Dayum, you are hot as fuck when you’re feisty,” he said, slipping into the sweats.

His playfulness was a boost to her ego. She spun on her heel, facing him. “And I’m just getting started, handsome.” With that teasing comment, she whirled back around and marched to the door with Ty hot on her heels, growling like a hungry lion. He caught her before she reached the door, wrapped his arm around her waist, and gently nipped her neck.

This fun-loving side of being with a man was brand new and exciting. Even before the kidnapping, when she’d taken sporadic dates and the occasional hook-up, she’d never laughed and enjoyed a man’s company the way she did with Ty.

The man made an enticing complete package, which spelled disaster for her in the long run. She could not continue down this path and keep her heart from jumping out of her chest and latching on to him permanently.

The trauma of heartbreak might put her over the edge.



How dare that shrew barge into his home and bedroom. She had no right to be in his personal space. Hell, she shouldn’t even be in Lithia. What the fuck was she doing acting as though they were anything more than exes who hated each other?

Damn him for forgetting to lock the door before going to sleep. Feeling Kelsie come all over him last night scrambled his brain so well he’d overlooked the simple task.

Now, he’d pay dearly for that mistake.

They were still laughing as they tumbled out of his bedroom and walked down the hall. That dried up the second they entered the den to find Trina making herself very comfortable on his couch. She’d shed the gaudy shoes and curled her stocking-covered legs under herself. Her damn skirt was so short half an ass cheek was on display.

Time hadn’t been too generous to Trina. The daily packs of cigarettes, alcohol, and whatever else she put in her body had taken its toll. She had wrinkled, leathery skin she tried to disguise with pounds of makeup and a body that defied physics. Had she had her tits enlarged again? What was that, four times now? He’d put money on them looking bigger than the last time he saw her a year or so ago. With her skinny, near-scrawny figure, she looked like a top-heavy doll that would topple forward.

“Aww, aren’t you two adorable,” she said with false sweetness. “A little girl and her daddy.”

Ty rolled his eyes as a disturbing realization smacked him in the face. Kelsie was the same age now as he and Trina were when they got together so many years ago. God, he’d been so young and stupid.

Christ, that made his brain throb.

Best not to dwell on that factoid.

Though Kelsie was worlds more mature than he and Trina had been combined. Life made sure she’d aged ahead of her years.

He kissed the side of Kelsie’s head to let her know Trina’s taunts didn’t faze him. The way she’d walked out with nothing but his T-shirt swimming on her made his fucking day.

Eat your heart out, Trina.

“Let’s get this over with, T. Just tell me what the fuck you want so I can turn you down, and you can get the hell out of my house.”

The over-filled, glossy red lips he’d once wanted all over him pooched into an exaggerated pout. “Don’t be like that, Ty. I just missed you.”

Kelsie did a horrendous job hiding her laugh behind a cough.

Her expression flattened, then turned sinister. “This was my house, too, you know.” She rose and walked—more prowled—toward him. He gently caught her wrist before she could rake those dragon-talon nails over his bare chest, and she purred like he’d grabbed her tit. “Mmm, we sure did have some good times in here, didn’t we?” she asked him though her gaze aimed at Kelsie.

“I don’t remember,” he said, snagging her attention back to him. “But I remember how I toured this house myself because you were sleeping off a high the day we went looking. And I was the only name on the mortgage because your credit was and probably still is shit. I renovated the entire place when we split, including burning the bed you slept in. So, I don’t think I’d be too quick to tell people this was your house. Pretty sure the only thing left from when you lived here is the doorbell.”

Trina’s eyes narrowed. She tossed her long extensions over her shoulder and strutted back to the couch, where she grabbed her sparkly purse. Of course, she bent over so far that they could clearly see her thong.

Classy lady, his ex.

“Fine,” she said with a huff. “If that’s how you want to play this. I’m in town for a meeting. Business. I got a call from a well-known, very wealthy entrepreneur yesterday. They’re looking for a commercial realtor to advise them on some spaces for projects they want to begin in the area.”

His spine tingled with unease. What the hell was she up to? “You don’t live or work here any longer. Haven’t for years. What the fuck are you playing at?”
