Page 20 of Orc's Desire

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“I don’t think it’s all set to the point of being foregone conclusions,” he says in a musing tone. “We have control, but the threads are there. The pieces, if you will, and our fate is what we decide to do with them. The potential is there, for every person, to live their best life. Whether they do or not, though, is a matter of their choices. Hence, Tajss provides.”

“Oh,” I say and take another sip too. “That makes more sense, I guess.”

He grunts, shrugs, and tilts his glass towards me. I raise my glass and clink it against his. We both drink, my tiny sip, his full gulp. Then he looks over the glass into my eyes.

Oh. Shit. He’s going to ask…



Mazabuta grunts and shakes his head.

“We said we’d keep this quiet, for now,” he says, but there is no anger in his voice.

The love shining in his eyes when he looks at her is obvious. He puts his hands over her hands and smiles.

“I know, I know, but I couldn’t hold it back! I have to share it with someone and who do I ever see? It’s not like there is anyway I’m going to tell the Maulavi.”

Mazabuta grumbles loudly but she laughs and pulls one of her hands free from under his. She strokes her fingers along his cheek in the most tender, most loving gesture I think I’ve ever seen. The love the two of them have palpably fills the room. It’s beautiful and painful at the same time because, I realize, I am jealous.

I want this. This. Everything they have. The way they are with each other, but with Gweneth. I also never want to hurt my brother, but how can I not go for her? The attraction between she and I is every bit as real as it is between Mazabuta and Annalise.

“Congratulations,” I think to say at last realizing I’ve been sitting in stunned silence.

“Thank you,” she says, her voice bubbling with excitement.

Her face glows with something more than physical. I hadn’t noticed it before as something unique or special because I didn’t know and besides, what do I know of humans? But now I see it clearly. I’ve heard females speak of the glow of motherhood. They call it Tajss’ blessing.

“Now you know,” Mazabuta says, shifting his attention back to me. “Keep the secret. Right?”

He growls the last word and the threat in both the word and on his face is clear. I take no offense to it, in fact I admire it. I don’t know if I would be as controlled as he is with my mate and child’s lives on the line. I do not say more, of course, because what a lie that would be. No one in our society can be trusted far anymore.

“Yes,” I agree without hesitation. But, that stated, I know a dangerous secret of theirs, now I can trust one of my own to them. “Yes. Absolutely.”

“Good,” Mazabuta says. “Why are you here?”

“Rumors,” I say. “Chasing rumors.”

I stare into his eyes as we both evaluate the other one. Judging the degree of trust. There is no doubt in my mind that if Mazabuta finds me wanting I will not leave here without a fight. I know this because I would feel the same. If Gwen was pregnant with my child, which I now know is clearly possible, it is what I would do.

“What rumors?” he asks, after a long pause.

I sip my drink, formulating my thoughts on how to broach the subject.

“The events of last night,” I begin. “What are your?—”

“Cut to the chase,” Mazabuta growls, interrupting me. “No more dancing around the topic.”

I frown, but nod.

“Right. The resistance. Is it real?”

Mazabuta huffs, leaning back in his chair. Annalise is silent as she watches the two of us, but something plays across her face. She knows something, but Mazabuta is hesitating. She reaches across the table, placing her hands on top of his. I can’t help but take in how small and delicate hers are, especially in comparison to his. She pats the back of his hand and when he looks to her she nods.

“Yes,” Mazabuta says, not looking away from her.

“Good,” I say. “We can’t let things continue as they are.”
