Page 73 of Orc's Desire

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“That’s what our sources say, yes,” Elbows says.

“I see,” I say, nodding and affecting a serious look. “Well my opinion is that I trust our leadership. Rosalind has done a wonderful job of navigating all these concerns.”

“I have to ask,” Wide-eyes again, “Wrenlee, where did you get that outfit?”

“This ol’ thing?” I ask, looking down at it, lifting my arms and hiding my own personal disgust at it. “It’s just something I threw together for the day.”

Wide-eyes laughs and shakes her head, dutifully making a note in her book.

“If you don’t mind,” I say, looking down at my food that is wrapping getting cold.

“Oh, of course, thank you,” Elbows says then drags the other one away.

I keep my sigh hidden.

“They never give you a break,” Emery says.

“No, they never do,” I agree, chewing on my food thoughtfully. I swallow, take a drink, then sigh again. “I miss Ziva. She was always better at dealing with them.”

Emery nods and pats my arm while Iris makes a sound with her lips that’s a cross between a smack, a kiss, and a sigh. Ayla clears her throat. We all miss Ziva. She’s gone though, so what do we do now? Linger on our loss or keep on moving? I know what Ziva would say and it’s what we’ve all done, to the best of our ability anyway.

I lift another forkful towards my mouth when there is a scuffle behind me and someone bumps into me. All the food falls off as I exclaim in surprise more than pain.


“I am so sorry,” a deep voice answers.

I look over my shoulder and drop my fork as I look up. And up. And up.

“Oh,” I say.

The Zmaj is looking back with an easy smile and a face that makes my heart speed up, but his eyes. Their so warm and rich as they dance with an easy delight. His wings rustle and his tail makes a scraping sound as it twists around on the floor.

“Well, hello,” he says, that deep voice rattling in my chest. “My name is Sek’su. This is my pleasure.”

My throat clenches as all the moisture disappears from my mouth. Stunned and numb I offer my hand. He takes my much smaller one gently in his and I note the long dark claws, he’s a Cavern Zmaj, as he lifts my hand to his lips.

His soft, warm, incredible lips that linger on the back of my hand while those eyes burn into mine. As he lifts his head at last his smile becomes even wider.

“Wrenlee,” I manage to respond at last.

“Yessss,” he says, dragging out the s in a way that is both enticing and sexy.

This is going to be a problem.

Another Zmaj that I am only dimly aware of behind him pushes him again.

“Come on Sek,” the other says. “We’re late.”

“Soon,” Sek says, lowering my hand while keeping his grip as long as he possibly can while still backing away.

My heart thunders in my ears and my stomach drops as he lets go of my hand. Mute, I nod.

I am in trouble.

