Page 12 of Wrath

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Greta will be here tomorrow evening and I gave her strict instructions to not let anyone know that I’m alive. Through tears, I told her how I survived and what happened that fateful day. After her sister became deathly ill, I insisted Greta fly home to be by her side. We had plenty of help with the party and I felt it was more important to be with family in case her sister succumbed to her illness. Unfortunately, Greta’s sister passed away peacefully shortly after she arrived surrounded by family.

Strolling through the house, I note that nothing has been disturbed or altered. The once-flourishing large vase, usually brimming with fresh blooms, now stands empty on the central round table in the foyer, accompanied by a piece of paper. In bold black lettering, a notice announces an upcoming auction with a specified date and time. It serves as a stark reminder that life no longer thrives within these walls. The possessions amassed by my parents will soon be placed in the hands of strangers who have no sentimental ties to the memories held within every corner of our home.

Tomorrow, my primary task will be contacting the bank to halt the sale, at least temporarily, until I carry out my plans. Ascending the stairs, I head to my room, enter my closet, and retrieve my purse. Fortunately, my wallet is still inside, along with my identification right where I placed it. I gaze at the photo, recognizing the toll this whole experience has had on me. The flawless makeup, the thick, cascading waves framing my face - a stark difference from the person I am today.

Glancing at my phone, weariness suddenly overwhelms me. It’s late and I need to get some rest to ensure I’m alert tomorrow night. Tomas, the most vulnerable target, won’t know that I’m coming. Frankie diligently monitored his residence and learned his routine with precision. He never married and has no children, which makes him the easiest to eliminate. The transformation within me has been gradual over the past month. This is not the plan I had for my life, yet here I am, embracing my newfound reality as Liliana Rinaldi—deceptively sweet, yet dangerously lethal. The new title appropriately captures my persona as I meticulously devised a flawless strategy to eradicate every member of the Beneventi clan. Sliding back the covers, I discard my clothing, slip into a nightshirt, and climb into bed.



I bolt upright, seizing my gun from the nightstand. The abrupt slamming of the front door shatters my deep slumber, leaving me confused as to whom the unexpected visitor could be. Positioned at the top of the staircase, my bedroom gives me the advantage of hearing anyone coming or going through the door. Quietly descending the stairs, I round the corner and slowly head down the hallway, my attention drawn to the slightly ajar door of my father's office. The frenzied shuffling of drawers echoes through the room, prompting me to question the identity of the individual looking through my father’s desk. Squeezing through the narrow opening, I cautiously extract my weapon, directing it towards the intruder.

“Turn around slowly, and show me your hands,” I command in a calm voice, willing the trespasser to comply without any sudden movements. Though I’m prepared to shoot first and ask questions later, I pause, needing to identify the tall figure attempting to breach my father's safe. His body tenses at the sound of my voice, and as he pivots towards me, we’re both equally shocked.



We call out each other's names, unable to comprehend the scene laid out before us. I had believed him to be dead, but there he stood in front of me, alive and well.

“How is this possible?” He asks, his face drained of color and his expression one of pure shock. He seemed to be seeing a ghost, in a way, and I couldn't blame him.

“You first. How did you manage to survive?” I demand, my senses going on high alert as a feeling of unease settles in. “You were there, and the only ones left standing were Carlo and his men,” I point out, watching Antonio carefully as he moves slowly from behind the desk and takes a seat.

“When I excused myself to give you and Paolo some privacy, I was walking around to the side of the house to smoke when the shooting started,” he starts, disbelief evident in his gaze. I keep my weapon trained on him, uncertain of whether I can fully trust his account. “I returned fire, but was hit, so I fled,” he continues, yet I remain wary of the direction of his narrative. “We were outnumbered, and I panicked. I must’ve blacked out because when I came to, I was down by the front gate with paramedics surrounding me,” he concludes, his eyes pleading for me to believe him.

I suppose that’s plausible, considering the gate's location at the foot of a hill, making it difficult to spot anyone from the front of the house. “Why were you searching through my father’s desk?” I question, setting that topic aside for the time being. His allegiance will be tested tonight when I kill Tomas. Antonio will either support me or meet the same fate.

“I’ve been keeping a low-profile planning to bring down Carlo over the past month. I didn’t know who I could trust, so I came back here to see if Paolo had anything I could use to ruin him.”

“If my father has anything on Carlo, he wouldn’t keep it in his desk,” I remark, still feeling like something’s off. I need to shake this because I wanted to spend my day in the basement, training, not interrogating Antonio.

“Could you please lower your gun?” He pleads, visibly uncomfortable. Gradually, I lower my weapon, choosing to trust him for now. “Your turn, tell me how you got away and where you’ve been all this time?”

“Maybe another time,” I respond, not fully trusting that he’s on my side. Given the circumstances, it's every man for himself. Despite Antonio being my father's Consigliere, his loyalty lay with him, not me.

“This is a miracle, Lili!” he exclaims!” You're here, you're alive! And don’t worry, you can confide in me,” he says, looking somewhat disheartened, however, I’m still not convinced he will keep my secret. “Listen, I understand you were with Nico, but when your father proposed our marriage to strengthen our alliance against Carlo, I was all for it.”

“If you think I would agree to marry you simply because my father commanded it, you're just as mistaken as he was,” I retort, irritated by the idea of marrying him.

He winces at my words, clearly offended, but even if my father were still alive, I would have chosen Nico.

“I doubt you would have had a say in the matter, Lili.”

“Sadly, we’ll never know now that my father is dead. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to discuss tonight's plans and your role in helping me. After all, you are now my Consigliere,” I declare, making my way around the desk and taking a seat. Antonio gazes at me, his eyes filled with bewilderment as he nods in acknowledgment. “Shall we begin?” I ask, placing my gun on the desk to assert my authority in our working relationship.

“Yes, Miss. Rinaldi,” he responds, uncertainty evident in his expression.

Miss. Rinaldi... Don Rinaldi... a female Don is unconventional in our organization, but it's a reality the other families will need to accept. I’m coming for the Beneventis, and nothing will stand in the way of avenging my family.



Antonio and I spent most of the day planning for tonight. I sent a quick text to Frankie, telling him to lay low for now as I wasn't fully trusting of Antonio, despite his claims of taking down Carlo. I needed to be sure I could trust him for my plan to work. Tomas lives in the Southwest territory, not too far from Carlo’s compound. His home is situated on a few acres of land, isolated, and hidden from the city. Antonio called his contact at city hall and obtained the plans for Tomas’s property. I studied them carefully to ensure that tonight’s operation ran smoothly.

Greta arrived safely, bringing comfort with her presence. We hugged and cried for what seemed like hours.

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