Page 17 of Wrath

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Giving Nico a quick kiss, I excuse myself and head to my father’s office. Taking out my phone, I call each of the other families to update them that the meeting will now be held tomorrow at my compound, instead of Monday. I inform them about Carlo’s deception and assure them that I will present video evidence showing his collaboration with Antonio to assassinate my family and seize control of the Northwest territory.

As I suspected, all families have heightened their security measures after Carlo warned them that they would face the same fate if they did not swear loyalty to him. Don Moretti alerted me that the Russians are threatening to withdraw from future deals if we do not address our internal issues. My father has consistently ensured that every transaction runs smoothly, and there has always been mutual respect among all the families. Carlo's actions have put our entire empire at risk and I will not allow him to destroy what Paolo Rinaldi has built.



Finishing up my conversation with Frankie, I notice Nico hobbling into the office, his face still contorted in pain from our earlier altercation. The knife wound on his chest luckily doesn't require stitches, and Greta has given him some medication for the discomfort. He settles onto the couch and beckons me over, saying,

“Come sit beside me, Lili.” Placing my phone on the desk, I walk over and take a seat. As Nico reaches out and clasps my hand, a pained expression remains on his face. Initially, I assume it's due to his physical discomfort, but I soon realize that's not the case.

“When I arrived that day and saw what Carlo had done, it felt like a piece of my soul was ripped away,” he confesses, his voice tinged with sorrow. “I always knew he was capable of evil, but I never imagined he would go to such lengths. I want you to believe me when I say that if I had any inkling of his plans, I would have told you, Lili.”

“Even though we agreed to keep our family affairs separate from our relationship, I have no doubt that you would’ve informed me,” I reassure him, leaning in to kiss him gently. “Did you happen to see if Antonio was also present?”

“To be honest, I was completely focused on Carlo. He should consider himself fortunate to have only left with a broken nose that day. If it weren't for Tomas and Salvatore, I might have ended things differently,” he remarks, embracing me tightly.

“At this stage, it seems insignificant whether or not I was hallucinating when I thought I saw him. The video evidence reveals all I need to know. What I can't comprehend is what led him to betray my father?” I ask.

“Carlo must have offered him something in return for facilitating his and his men's entry to your compound that day. I suspected something was amiss when Don Moretti had no clue about meeting me at the docks,” he muses. “I tried to call you and warn you that Carlo was up to something. Even if it turned out to be a false alarm, you guys could’ve gone into lockdown and you would be safe.”

“I remember seeing your call, but my father was in the middle of a conversation with me and thought it best not to answer,” I respond, recalling the dialogue and opting to keep quiet about the proposed arranged marriage my father had mentioned. It's a topic that holds no relevance now.

We spend the rest of the day catching up on everything that’s happened since my birthday and how I survived. He tells me about the trip he had planned for us to Belize and how he had ended up going alone. My heart weighs heavily as he shares the anguish of losing me without having a chance to say goodbye. Like myself, he planned to kill Carlo for his actions, but when Antonio appeared at the safehouse, a gut feeling told him to record their discussion. It was unsettling to realize that I had been working alongside my adversary the entire time. What baffled me even more was Antonio's lack of hesitation in killing Edoardo or intervening when I dealt with Tomas and Bianca. It almost seemed as though he desired their demise.

Nico is taken aback as he asks, “Is Carlo aware that Frankie helped you escape?”

“No, Frankie went back to cleaning for him to avoid any suspicion,” I reply, chuckling at the surprised expression on his face. “I had my doubts about whether he would assist me, especially with Carlo and his men present, but witnessing the death of my brother and sister was his breaking point.”

“I'll need to remember to thank him,” he remarks, leaning in to kiss me, moaning as he tastes my mouth. I have longed for the feel of him against my body. Being focused on my mission, I never realized just how much I’ve missed him. All the pent-up tension releases, and I find myself melting into Nico's embrace as the kiss grows more intense. My senses come alive, tingling with his familiar scent enveloping me.

“I need you, Nico,” I profess, closing my eyes to savor his touch. As his hands caress my sensitive skin, my desire grows, yearning for him to be inside me, filling me.

“Fuck, I’ve missed you so much, baby,” he whispers against my lips, pulling me onto his lap. “I thought I lost…” he trails off, embracing me tightly as if it may be the last time.

“Shh, we don’t need to dwell on that now. I’m here, safe in your arms,” I reassure him, understanding the emotional and physical toll that the thought of my death must have taken on him. “Let’s just enjoy this brief reprieve because tomorrow, it’s back to work for us,” I say, nipping at his lip as a knock sounds at the door.

“Dinner is ready,” Greta announces from the hallway, interrupting the moment.

“We’ll be out in a minute,” Nico responds, standing with me in his arms. My legs wrap around his waist as he carries me toward the door. Pressing me against the wall, his hips grind against my core, setting me on fire. Frantic, desperate, seeking solace and distraction from the anger overwhelming me, I take over the kiss, biting, exploring, breathing his breath. The intense rush of emotions ignites a spark within me, giving life to my dormant soul. Footsteps draw near, breaking the spell once more. We laugh as he sets me down on my feet, steadying me before opening the door.

“To be continued,” I tease, as we follow Greta to the kitchen.

* * *

“I believe it's time for me to retire to bed,” Greta declares, placing the leftovers in the fridge. Nico and I express our gratitude for the delightful dinner of spaghetti carbonara, rustic Italian bread, and tiramisu for dessert. It felt comforting to experience a touch of normalcy as we ate delicious food, drank wine, and reminisced about the times when we were younger. It marked a rare moment of laughter after what seems like an eternity, and I will cherish these shared moments with Nico, creating new memories. Uncertain of what the future holds once I’ve avenged my family, I cling to the hope that we can finally live the life we’ve always dreamed of.

As the final plate is placed in the dishwasher, I take Nico by the hand and guide him upstairs. Shutting the bedroom door behind us, we settle on the bed. He extends his hand, welcoming me into his arms. Tenderly grasping his face, I draw him closer, capturing his lips with mine. In a mere few hours, Nico has brought tranquility into my world, and my love for him allows me to momentarily forget the chaos beyond these walls. Our hands tremble as we shed our clothes, not caring where they fall. A wave of desire courses through me as my pussy throbs, anticipating the feel of him driving into me over and over again.

“Please, let me taste you, Nico,” I plead, longing to have him in my mouth. With a tender nip on my lower lip, he guides my hand down to his erection, igniting a rush of warmth between my thighs. Long and thick, we both stroke his pulsing cock as his hips buck at the sensation. Moving to kiss along his chest, I lick and tease his nipples, evoking moans of pleasure that nearly push me to the brink. As his hand falls away, I take control, licking around the tip. My mouth waters as I explore every inch of his dick, getting lost in pleasing him.

“Fuck, Lili, that feels so good,” he grunts as I take him deeply into my throat, reveling in the way he fills my mouth. His breath hitches, his self-control slipping as his hips begin to thrust, relentlessly plunging in and out of my mouth. In this moment of unfiltered desire, where raw need consumes us both, we are lost in a realm of pure ecstasy.

“As much as I would love to come down your throat, I need to be deep inside you, Lili,” he grits out, his thrusts slow and deliberate. Releasing him, I begin to straddle his hips but he swiftly reverses our position, settling perfectly between my thighs. His tongue traces along my swollen lips, savoring the taste of his essence on me, as I eagerly open for him. He takes me with a primal intensity, claiming me completely, as I surrender myself to him. With my leg draped over his shoulder, he surges forward in one fluid motion, penetrating me in a single, breathtaking stroke. My orgasm builds quickly as he fucks me with complete abandon, taking us away from the mayhem of our reality.

“Baby, I'm close,” I moan, quivering beneath him, the culmination of pleasure washing over me, as my release detonates. Tension builds within my body as euphoria peaks, enveloping me in waves of pure ecstasy. Unable to resist any longer, Nico follows me over the edge and we descend together, clinging to each other as if our very existence hinges on this moment. Our breaths come in ragged pants as we recover from the pleasure. In the midst of what should’ve been something beautiful, tears clog my throat, overpowering me with emotion.

“Lili, what’s the matter?” Nico queries with worry, lying beside me, enfolding me in his arms.
