Page 180 of Fire & Frenzy

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Brooklyn shrugged. “I worked at The Rex in New York. I’ve seen wealth, you know? It’s a different world. And it’s different when you’re born into it versus earning it. Dylan will have to earn it, and even when he does, he’ll always be new money to them. Maybe he’s more comfortable here, where he knows what to expect and how the streets work.”

The table was silent after Brooklyn’s speech.

“Just something to think about,” Brooklyn added.

“I’m thinking about it,” Willa said. “Men have pride. I wonder if that’s how he really feels about it. Using Waverly as a convenient excuse not to go to Harvard.”

“Relationships are never simple,” Mia said. “And they only get harder the older we get.”

“Yeah, why is that?” Sutton demanded. “Just when I think I’ve got Viper figured out, he does a complete one eighty.”

“A one eighty about what?” Willa asked.

“He went back on his word,” she explained. “I said I wouldn’t marry him until I was pregnant. Well, now he won’t get me pregnant until after we’re married.”

Joni raised her brows. “Viper wants a wedding?”

“Yeah, I think Viper wants a wedding,” Sutton said. “I don’t get it. Why can’t we do things the way we agreed to do them?”

“Neither of you guys had normal childhoods,” Brooklyn said. “Maybe he wants something traditional for once.”

I marveled about how open and honest the Old Ladies were being about their struggles. They spoke with candor and there was no hesitation about baring their souls. Though I had Tavy and we spoke the same way to each other, I’d never seen a large friend group be so close-knit like this before.

Keeping Cash entertained proved to be a struggle and most of my time was spent moving silverware and pepper shakers out of his reach.

Doc polished off the rest of her burrito and hopped up from the table. She scoured through her purse and grabbed some cash and hastily threw it down near her empty plate. “Sorry, guys. I have to go. Sutton, I want to know if you decide to have a wedding. And Willa? Keep me posted on Dylan and Waverly.”

“Better than a soap opera, right?” Willa asked with a grin.

“It goes toe to toe with even the best telenovelas.” Doc waved and all but ran from the restaurant.

“This was a bad idea,” Brooklyn moaned. “Now I want a nap.”

“Slash would love it if you finally took a break,” Rach said with a smile.

“Yeah, he would,” Brooklyn agreed. “However, I’ve got a wedding cake to bake before I can head home.”

I wanted to get to the grocery store—and why did I want to get to the store? So I could buy ingredients to cook dinner for Smoke.

“You okay?” Rach asked as she wiped her fingers with a napkin.

“Yeah, fine.”

She took Cash back from me. “You don’t look fine.”

“It’s nothing.”

“What’s nothing?” Sutton asked.

All eyes turned to me.

“This is why I didn’t want to come out with all of you,” I said in exasperation. “I knew you were going to ask me about me and Smoke.”

Mia raised her brows. “No one said anything about you and Smoke.”

“But if you want to tell us things,” Joni said, adjusting Everett. “We’ll listen.”

“It’s stupid.”
